Apart - Water shaders

This page presents the River' waterfall and lake effects I made for Apartin my last yeat as a game developer student.

River Shader - Final version

Waterfall Shader - Final version

Lake Shader - Final version

Initial Intention

Concept art by Aude Cazottes

The objective was to create water shaders for waterfalls, rivers and lakes.

The points we wanted to implement in those were : shore foam, transparency, splashes near rocks, refraction, foam for the bottom of waterfalls.

For that, we set several points we wanted to implement :
- Shore foam
- Transparency
- Splashes near rocks
- Slight refraction when the water is moving
- Foam simulation for the bottom of waterfalls


Common features

Color variation is set based on the depth of the water, by calculation the distance between the surface and the nearest 3D model behind it.

Transparency, made by using the scene color node with a lerp that blends with the colors, with more transparency for shallow waters.

With the same method used for the color variation, foam is rendered near the shores and objects colliding with the water.

Specific features - River

Foam simulation: in the shader with texture distortion, and outside the shader using vfx graph. 

Sensation of current added by making a texture scroll through the object's UVs.

Specific features - Waterfall

Foam simulation: in the shader with texture distortion, and outside the shader using vfx graph. 

Specific features - Lake

Multiplying two textures scrolling in opposite direction so that the water doesn't look still