
19th Corporate Finance Day

September 16, 2022, Crowne Plaza Amsterdam

George Gershwinlaan 101, 1082 MT Amsterdam

The Corporate Finance Day is an initiative of the Benelux Corporate Finance Network. For its 19th edition, the host is Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This one-day conference aims at providing a stimulating academic and social event where researchers in the field of corporate finance can interact and present their work.

8.30-8.55 – Welcome and Coffee

8.55-9.00Opening words

Room: Broadway

Egle Karmaziene (VU Amsterdam)

Room: Park Avenue

Tanja Artiga Gonzalez (VU Amsterdam)

9.00-10:30 – Regular Sessions A

A1: Capital Markets

Room: Broadway

Chair: Egle Karmaziene (VU Amsterdam)

Share Issues versus Share Repurchases

Presenter: Hongda Zhong (LSE)

Discussant: Sebastian Gryglewicz (Erasmus)

Entrepreneurship and the Platform Economy: Evidence from U.S. Tax Returns

Presenter: Spyridon Lagaras (University of Pittsburgh)

Discussant: Michael G. Hertzel (Arizona State University)

Going Public and the Internal Organization of the Firm

Presenter: Stefan Obernberger (Erasmus)

Discussant: Dion Bongaerts (Erasmus)

A2: Boards

Room: Times Square

Chair: Swarnodeep Homroy (University of Groningen)

CEO Turnover and Director Reputation

Presenter: Markus Schmid (University of St. Gallen)

Discussant: Milos Vulanovic (EDHEC)

The Right Director in the Right Firm

Presenter: Maximilian Mayer (Goethe University)

Discussant: Swarnodeep Homroy (University of Groningen)

Director Expertise and Compliance to CSR Regulations

Presenter: Nassima Selmane (University of Groningen)

Discussant: Naciye Sekerci (KU Leuven)

10.30-10.45 – Coffee Break

10.45-12:15 – Regular Sessions B

B1: Financing

Room: Times Square

Chair: Stefano Lugo (Utrecht University)

Monetary Policy and Corporate Debt Maturity

Presenter: Andrea Fabiani (Bank of Italy)

Discussant: Lena Tonzer (VU Amsterdam)

A Model of Buybacks

Presenter: Alvin Chen (SSE)

Discussant: Hongda Zhong (LSE)

Altruism or personal benefits? ESG and participation in employee share plans

Presenter: François Derrien (HEC Paris)

Discussant: Stefano Lugo (Utrecht University)

B2: Politics and Finance

Room: Park Avenue

Chair: Marc Deloof (University of Antwerp)

Entrepreneur Debt Aversion and Financing Decisions: Evidence from COVID-19 Support Programs

Presenter: Vesa Pursiainen (University of St. Gallen)

Discussant: Asad Rauf (University of Groningen)

PAC-ing in Punch:Economic Effects of Corporate Political Statements

Presenter: Swarnodeep Homroy (University of Groningen)

Discussant: Marc Deloof (University of Antwerp)

Sociopolitical claims and corporate political activity

Presenter: Susanne Preuss (University of Amsterdam)

Discussant: Tomislav Ladika (University of Amsterdam)

12.15-13:30 – Lunch

13:30-14:30 – Keynote Lecture by Mariassunta Giannetti
Supply Chain Risk: Changes in Supplier Composition and Vertical Integration

Mariassunta Giannetti is a Professor of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics. She is also affiliated to the CEPR, ECGI, ECB and is an advisory board member at AFFECT. Mariassunta holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Her areas of research interests are in corporate finance and financial intermediation. Mariassunta has published highly-cited research in leading journals in Finance, Economics, and Management, including the Journal of Political Economy, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the American Economic Review, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Review of Finance, and Management Science.

Mariassunta has been honored with a number of prestigious international awards including the Review of Finance Pagano-Zechner Prize, the NYU Stern/ Imperial/ Fordham Rising Star in Finance award, the Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award, the ECGI Standard Life Investments Finance Prize, and the Assar Lindbeck Medal. She is also the recipient of the Journal of Financial Intermediation best paper award, the ECB Lamfalussy Research Fellowship, the ECB Duisenberg Fellowship, and the Stockholm School of Economics Annual Research award.

Currently, she serves as an Associate Editor at the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics and the Economic Journal.

14.30-14.45 – Coffee Break

14.45-16:15 – Regular Sessions C

C1: Mutual Funds

Room: Park Avenue

Chair: Tanja Artiga Gonzalez (VU Amsterdam)

Climate Change and Mutual Fund Voting on Environmental Proposals

Presenter: Alberta Di Giuli (ESCP Business School)

Discussant: Virginie Mataigne (Ghent University)

Mutual Funds’ Fire Sales and the Real Economy: Evidence from Hurricanes

Presenter: Roberto Tubaldi (Norwegian Business School)

Discussant: Rex Wang (VU Amsterdam)

Mutual Fund Dual Holdings and Shareholder-Creditor Conflicts

Presenter: Patrick Verwijmeren (Erasmus/University of Melbourne)

Discussant: Alberta Di Giuli (ESCP Business School)

C2: Labor

Room: Times Square

Chair: Elisa Pazaj (University of Amsterdam)

How Does Declining Worker Power Affect Investment Sensitivity to Minimum Wage?

Presenter: Michael Hertzel (Arizona State University)

Discussant: Xingchen Zhu (VU Amsterdam)

How Reduced Labor Mobility Can Lead to Inefficient Reallocation of Human Capital

Presenter: Clemens Mueller (University of Mannheim)

Discussant: Maurizio Montone (Utrecht University)

Managerial Sentiment and Employment

Presenter: Maurizio Montone (Utrecht University)

Discussant: Stefano Cassella (Tillburg University)

16.15-16.45 – Coffee Break

16.45 -18:15 – Regular Sessions D

D1: Acronyms: M&A, VC & PE

Room: Park Avenue

Chair: Armin Schwienbacher (SKEMA Business School)

Micro VC

Presenter: Valerio Pelucco (Bocconi University)

Discussant: Thomas Lambert (Erasmus)

Does Democracy Shape International Merger Activity?

Presenter: Jose M. Martin-Flores (CUNEF)

Discussant: Vesa Pursiainen (University of St. Gallen)

Employee views on leverage buy-out transactions

Presenter: Ludovic Phalippou (University of Oxford)

Discussant: François Derrien (HEC Paris)

D2: Sustainability

Room: Park Avenue

Chair: Niels Hermes (University of Groningen)

Carbon Disclosure, External Financing, Cost of Capital and Quality of Financial Markets

Presenter: Atiqa Rehman (University of Groningen)

Discussant: Nataliya Gerasimova (BI Bergen)

Not by Whom but Where. Analyst Reaction to Firms’ ESG Incidents

Presenter: Nataliya Gerasimova (BI Bergen)

Discussant: Alexey Ivashchenko (VU Amsterdam)

To treat or prevent pollution?

Presenter: Caroline Gentet-Raskopf (Université Paris Dauphine)

Discussant: Chi-Yang Tsou (University of Manchester)

18.15-20.30 – Drinks

Organizing Committee

Tanja Artiga Gonzalez, Egle Karmaziene, Herbert Rijken

Scientific Committee

Paul Calluzzo, Nico Dewaelheyns, Alberta di Giuli, Mintra Dwarkasing, Teodor Dyakov, Sebastian Gryglewicz, Tomislav Ladika, Virginie Mataigne, Natalia Matanova, Daniel Metzger, Vesa Pursiainen, Luc Rennebog, Bert Scholtens, Yingjie Qi, Konrad Raff, Roberto Steri, James Thewissen
