Start a Bookkeeping Business

Starting Your Own Bookkeeping Business: A Step-by-Step Guide 


Bookkeeping is an essential aspect of running a successful business, and as such, the demand for bookkeeping services is always high. With the right training and certifications, starting your own bookkeeping business can be a lucrative and fulfilling career. In this blog, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to start your own bookkeeping business. 

Acquiring the Right Bookkeeping Certification 

The first step in starting your own bookkeeping business is to acquire the necessary certifications. Bookkeeping certifications demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the field, and can help you build credibility with clients. The Universal Accounting Center offers a range of bookkeeping certifications, including the Basic Bookkeeping Certification and the Certified Bookkeeper designation, which is recognized by the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB). 

Creating a Business Plan 

Once you have your certifications in hand, the next step is to create a business plan. A business plan will help you outline your goals, strategies, and the resources you'll need to launch and grow your business. A well-structured business plan will also help you secure funding and support from investors. 

Building Your Client Base 

Building your client base is one of the most crucial steps in starting your bookkeeping business. To attract new clients, you can reach out to local small businesses and offer your bookkeeping services. You can also attend networking events and connect with potential clients on social media. Word of mouth is also a powerful marketing tool, so don't be afraid to ask your satisfied clients to refer you to others in their network. 

Setting Up Your Business 

Once you have built a solid client base, it's time to set up your bookkeeping business. This includes registering your business, getting the necessary licenses and insurance, and setting up your accounting system. You can also consider setting up a website to showcase your services and make it easier for potential clients to contact you. 

Staying Up-to-Date with Bookkeeping Regulations 

Bookkeeping regulations are constantly evolving, and it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest changes. Keeping your certifications up-to-date and attending regular training sessions will help you stay ahead of the curve. The Universal Accounting Center offers ongoing training and support to its bookkeeping certification holders, so you can continue to improve your skills and grow your business. 


Starting a bookkeeping business can be a fulfilling and lucrative career, and with the right certifications and training, you can launch your business with confidence. The Universal Accounting Center offers a range of bookkeeping certifications and training programs to help you achieve your goals. So, if you're looking to launch your own bookkeeping business, take the first step and get certified today.