Benefits of Tube Cleaning

While you never forget to get our car cleaned but we often forget to get our air clean. When was the last time you thought about doing things like switching off the AC or closing the door to keep the heat? We often take these things for granted every day. We don't give second thoughts to picking up the phone, getting on the bed and turning on the AC, or turning the key in the ignition and keeping the car starting on a signal. It's because we do not care or even think of these things until they do not work right. But the problem is that we continue to follow the same pattern while we're out. We walk into a commercial building like a mall on a hot summer day and take it for granted that we will be comfortable in the cool environment within its premises. So we tend to forget about the air conditioning system and only think about it when it is not working.

But there's one who never takes it for granted, and they're the HVAC maintenance operators or technicians. It's their job to keep it working so we can continue to take our comfort for granted. But it is easier said than done as it is no small task to accomplish all this. Nowadays, chillers who keep the HVAC systems working have become much more sophisticated. They often come with their electronic controls and microprocessors so only a trained technician can know whether it has covered all the bases or not.

In commercial buildings like malls or commercial complexes, chillers are usually the single largest consumer of energy. Meaning they're the reason HVAC systems are infamous for huge electricity bills and energy wastage. But with energy prices continuing to increase, chillers are now looked at as a potential source of significant energy savings. And the only way to achieve this goal is through preventive maintenance, which means keeping the chillers or condenser tubes free of fouling. Hence, HVAC operators have to keep everything at optimum condition, which also means keeping a daily log to the weekly, monthly and annual operational reviews. But how regular tube cleaning and keeping the record of it will help them yield optimum efficiency of the chillers.

At any operational business, it is critical to keep all of the equipment in optimal working condition, especially chillers. It helps to avoid malfunctions and unplanned downtime that have drastic effects on business and profits. But in chiller tubes, water travels constantly to transfer heat. It can cause corrosion, scaling and fouling inside the tubes, which dissipate energy and interfere with the heat transfer. But when you have a maintenance plan in place to keep the tubes clean, you ensure that your chiller is working perfectly to transfer heat and cool down the premises.

Tube and pipe cleaning can be a tricky task but it also ensures that your equipment is clear of unwanted deposits and will continue to operate at the optimal and most efficient levels possible. Regular tube cleaning also cuts down the risk of malfunction and system breakdowns which could hurt your business. While it can be difficult to clean enclosed pipes and tubes such as heat exchange units, boilers, condensers and mixers without any previous experience, there's an automated solution like ACCS that does it all without any manual effort on your part. For more information, visit: