Manitha Neyam Youth Fundraisers!

We are hosting a youth talent show to raise money for Manitha Neyam today, June 5th at 5:00 PM PST. Please tune in at!! Show your support for our performers in the live chat, share with friends/family, and don't forget to donate!

If you would like to participate, please visit the following link: (The deadline for participation has ended. Please try again next year!)

Read more about our previous benefit concert:

The students receiving their tablets, laptops, and Chromebooks!!!

Notes from our 2021 Benefit Concert:

A HUGE thank you to everyone for attending, supporting, donating, and keeping the live chat so active! We couldn't have asked for a better audience. What an entertaining concert! Right now, we are over $5,000 and we were already able to buy 4 tablets, and multiple laptops and chromebooks for the students! That is astounding!! We are so grateful for everyone's support and donations. This money will truly make a difference to the students in Sri Lanka. Have a wonderful day and wishing everyone the happiest, most prosperous New Year ahead!! The YouTube Livestream has finished now, and is not available to the public at this moment. Please send an email to if you wish for a private link to view the benefit concert! We will provide all the information about donating, our livestream, and our story here. Click the tabs on the top to donate, learn more about us, or see our gallery! If you have any questions at all, feel free to email

Our benefit concert was on January 3rd, 2021 at 2:00 PM PST/5:00 PM EST. We hope everyone was able to attend the YouTube livestream. If not, please email for a private link to the benefit concert video!