
Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

Marketing and Consumer Co-Production

In this course, I take the consumer decision journey as a starting point to discuss and explore with students how firms and consumers can collaborate to create value for themselves and for others in the marketing value chain. The course draws on recent developments in digital technology and the platform economy. I teach this course in the regular masters program at Erasmus School of Economics and have also taught it at the UCL School of Management, London, UK as a visiting professor.

Image by ElasticComputeFarm from Pixabay

Choice Experiments

Together with Bas Donkers, I have developed and taught an introductory methods course on discrete choice experiments. We have taught this course as a one week PhD summer course program at the University of St Gallen GSERM program and as an elective course in the regular Erasmus School of Economics program.

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Pension Communication and Decision Making

I teach a one-day session in the Pension Executive program at Erasmus University covering topics in pensions communications, eliciting individuals' pension risk-return trade-offs, and pension decision making.

Over the years, I have also taught other courses such as Marketing Research, Retail and Services Marketing, and Marketing Communications at the University of Sydney, Tilburg University, and Maastricht University