Wow! Cinnabon just lost another customer today! Amazing recipe. It delivered 100% satisfaction. Definitely foolproof. I made dough last night, but didnt have time to roll out etc, so I took dough out of frig today, let it sit a little, rolled out, cut etc, then let rise 2nd time per instructions before baking. Perfect. One note: As a novice baker (with yeast) I through out 4 batches of milk/yeast in total frustration til I called my aunt and sister who told me the yeast doesnt actually have to froth. I also was overly obsessed with the temperature issue but again was told that the milk should feel warm, but not burning hot to touch. This was good to know even though I used a digital thermometer. I will definitely pass this recipe on.

The bag contained a pair of white cotton gloves stained the color of age. When I pulled them out, I thought, Her very hands were inside here. I feel foolish about it now, but one time I stuffed the gloves with cotton balls and held them through the night.

Fool On The Planet The Pillows Rar

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For the past two decades, Goodall has devoted much of her time to environmental advocacy, convincing audiences that saving the wilderness and wild creatures needs to be a priority for all of us, and that individual citizens can make a profound difference. She told Moyers:

"There have been extinctions. The dinosaurs are thought to have been [because of] a meteorite or something. And there've been gradual extinctions, because there have been fluctuations in climate that changes ecosystems and habitats. But since the industrial revolution, our human impact on the planet - our greenhouse gas emissions, our reckless damage to the natural world, the continual growth of our populations, have had a tremendously damaging effect... Wouldn't it be easy just to say, 'Well, it's a trend and it's just happening. The pendulum is swinging. We just better sit back and let it swing. And maybe one day it'll swing back.' If everybody stopped, [if] everybody gave up, then I wouldn't like to think of the world that my great-great-grandchildren would be born into."

Posted by David Eddy

That is true Kevin! That is why the rich countries are responsible for cleaning up the environmental mess. They are the ones with massive consumption. The rich countries are also claiming they cannot afford cleaning up the environment when in fact they are spending trillions on foolish wars and lush entertainment. Our resources are splurged on meaningless trivia while our living environment becomes a cesspool. And we have the gall to call ourselves intelligent while denying that nature is a magnificently designed structure.

People need to revise their value system before they become victims of their own foolishness. 


Notice, also, the intolerance attached: those who disagree will "have to be convinced"--that is, heretics will be burned: a society of such limits, a "steady state" society, CANNOT TOLERATE DISSENT, because if there's questioning "Why?", the answers may not be ones the steady state will, can, support. The high standard of living you enjoy is one of the reasons you've got so much freedom. Poor people are too busy just trying to survive to care. And if you think REDUCING standards of living will help the planet, GET A CLUE: poor countries don't care about pollution, BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO. It's RICH countries that can afford to clean it up. Do you REALLY want THE WHOLE WORLD to look like Africa?

I think it is a waste of time to look at lower forms of life for answers to people problems when all we have to do is look at people. 

we need to be the solution to earth problems not the crazies that destroy the earth. We were intended to be the gardeners of the earth not the source of the earth's putrefaction.

We are supposed to be intelligent. Why would we want to destroy the only available place we have to live? By using our technology efficiently we could repair the damages we have incurred. All that is required is to change our value system to place saving the quality of our environment first. We are wasting our efforts and resources on foolish ventures and meaningless pursuits. Our idiotic concepts of economics are undermining our ability to prevent self-destruct. Our intelligence is our only advantage over the rest of the animal kingdom and we are wasting it on trivia. If we want to do something for the animals, the best thing we can do is do what is best for everyone and that is to reverse the destruction of earth. There are enough natural disasters without causing man made disasters. 

We need to be creative not destructive

Saw you on Bill Moyer's Journal and was doubly touched by your commitment to save the world especially for our children and grandchildren. I am also a conservationist but I am concerned about another disappearing species - our knowledge. As you read this, please do not look at all you know but think of the children who are just starting to learn and lack real mentors and a real link to all we have learned from times immemorial. Unfortunately both the mentors and the link to the past are fast disappearing. A case in point is how little our universities and colleges are now teaching. A basic science course which during the sixties used to consist of anywhere from forty to sixty hands-on labs has now been reduced to six to eight mainly demonstration labs with little or no hands-on component. Imagine a person graduating with this little amount of sconce know how now becoming a science teacher in our schools or colleges. How little he or she would teach and how motivated their students will be to opt for science. This is even more serious when the world looks up to America and tries to "reform" their existing educational system to conform to that of the United States. I am remedying this situation by establishing a Science Skills Center where all science from its beginning to now is taught in a hands-on fashion complete with exposure to all the basic science instruments such as the microscopes and the spectrophotometers etc.

I believe that unless we do this soon we will be adding "knowledge to the list of endangered species" and with the knowledge gone, we won't be able to save the other vanishing species and our planet now in peril. The Science Skills Center has also dispelled another erroneous belief that we have learned so much that no one can learn all that much in one life time. The fact is that we have not learned all that much, it only looks that way because it is all spread out. Sift, sort, condense and integrate it and it shrinks. Science for instance gets reduced to mere 150 simple concepts and skills. Teach these and you turn on the thinking and analyzing aspects of human mind and soul. I am seeing this in action at the Science Skills Center. Imagine how much moral boost we can provide by teaching to the masses around the world via this form of curriculum. Even sky will not be the limit for such people and we would have hope for a thriving future world instead of the one we are now struggling to save.

Cathedrals are a puzzle. Just ask Henry Adams. But I think we are perhaps looking at them wrongly. We assume they are a tribute to God, or at most designed to inspire awe of God, but I wonder if they are not, at least as much, a tribute to ourselves, the creation of God. They are a commentary on design and science as surely as the intricacies of which Paley loved to trace. We often even compare nature to them rather than the other way 'round. There can be no separation of religion and science. It can only be if we fail to recognize their identity. We cannot stand aside from the planet - we are part of it. We need it to live. Yet we, ourselves, must create, tho we cannot assume therefore that we can create anything we want.

To Grady Lee Howard and others who see the inevitable collapse of America if we try to live using sustainable ideals. You are right. And to the kids who want leave the educational system and want jobs to live a life, you are right too. But none of our rights will add up to one iota of difference to the planet. The system will collapse because its effect on the planet is more than the planet can carry. Peak oil is probably here so that downward trend will raise prices and we will feel those effects in every part of our society. But what then? Protectionism and closing borders which is to say no more food. Our current food system includes highly processed and imported foods -even of the produce we could grow ourselves we import because it creates money and feeds capitol. Can we eat money if we suddenly have none, millions of us? So when the economic system breaks down because nature rebels or because built in greed has perverted its structure, does it matter which is the cause? I think it's better to positively build a new way of relating to the earth which means (since our bodies are also natural) everything we do that relates to the earth starting with our food and health. The communities which adjust to this certainty that we can build a new -and yes eventually globally new-system of relationships starting at the local level (where else can revolutionaries start?)will be the communities who have the beginnings in place of what that new -dare I say it- world order will look like. But people have been killed while they resist the "owners" whose self-interest is attached to the system. It won't be easy.

We can see the population was pretty steady over the centuries. People lived within natures boundaries. They grew their food, burned wood for fuel and ate the game and fish nature provided...until the age of fossil fuels. 


Whale oil or wood was the prevalent fuel up to that time. As whale oil was running out, coal and liquid coal (crude oil) came on board. Then petroleum / natural gas based fertilizers made cheap food possible. 


Fossil fuels allowed people to move from an agrarian from of life to an urbanized city lifestyle that removed all the hard and dirty work of growing and producing one's own food. Fossil fusels also made possible many areas of life extending improvements to humans. And people spread to all corners of the planet and flourished...but by an artificial and non sustainable means. 


What happens when something is running at an unsustainable pace? 


It must slow down to a sustainable pace - if it is to keep moving forward steadily and sustainably. 


It would be one thing if we all reverted back to rural living, burning trees for fuel and housing and living within our comfortable means allotted to us by nature, as our ancestors did back in the day. But seven billion people can't burn the trees!


When we live out of balance with natures intended means there is a price to pay to come back in balance with nature. And the price usually extracts pain from us in the adjustment process. Now renewable energy will replace some of fossil fuels benefit to mankind. But don't be under the delusion that they are a seamless and fungible replacement. There is NO replacement for crude


Even if we did find out how to burn water for energy, petrochemicals make up a large portion of crude's importance to mankind. Roughly 9% of every barrel of crude goes to petrochemical use. be457b7860

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