I see in the help menu how to add a new track and chose what number it gets but I want to assign different numbers to existing tracks. I had 4 audio tracks. Track 1 & 2 had the original audio. tracks 3 & 4 have the "speeded up" audio. I deleted tracks 1 & 2 because I just need the audio on 3&4. But now I have a big space between the video & audio tracks....so I want to rename A3 to A1 and A4 to A2. Can this be done or do I have to use the segment tool and push them up?

Righ clicking doesn't work. As for dragging with the segment tool and ctro/shift...is thee a way to drag the entire 1 or 2 tracks, start to finish? Otherwise I have to drag each audio clip. At least, when you exit Avid and come back in the space disappears - even though the track number stays "3" when I wanted it to be "1" etc.

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3) Mark in and out around the entire audio track 3 & 4. Press ALT+copy to clipboard to load them into the source monitor. Patch them from 3 & 4 on the source side to 1 & 2 on the record side. Overwrite.

I have set up audio conferencing for our organization, since a small number of users have requested it for the dial-in option. However, I'm relatively ignorant of the inner workings of telecommunications. I've assigned 3 conference bridge numbers to 3 different users, i.e. they each have their own individual number.

Unless I'm mistaken, I technically only need one number/conferencing bridge, which can be used by all of the users who need it? As I understand it, the number merely points the caller to the bridge, which in turn connects the user to the meeting via Conference ID. If this is the case, it would seem more elegant if I employed the same number across all users, with the assumption that two different users could theoretically schedule different meetings at the same time, use the same bridge, but let callers connect to their respective meetings with the Conference ID.

If anyone more well-versed in this topic could share their thoughts, I'd be happy to hear them. Not a pressing issue at all, but I would like to streamline future administration.



Whenever Avid import or AMA's the file - it assigns the track number to the last digits in the file name. This particular file gets assigned Track 12 - I've also got Track 20 and 33. Modify options wont let me change the track number.

After a quick test, its seems that any file (audio at least) with a hyphen followed by a number (-12, -20, -33) right before the file type (.wav) gets imported on a track that correlates to that number.

As the title shows, I have an audio file and I want to change the number of channels to any number... How can I do that knowing that the number of channels could be 8. It doesn't have to be either mono or stereo.

Hi everyone! I'm trying to restrict the number of times (up to 6 times) people can listen to an audio clip within my survey. Additionally, I would like to track the number of times that same audio clip is played (i.e. 1-6 times). I've been browsing the online community for help, but can't seem to get the code to work properly in my survey. This is my first time using Qualtrics, so if anyone could provide any guidance at all, it would be very much appreciated!

I may have something cooked up, but a couple of questions first: 

Do you need folks to be able to pause the audio? 

Do you need folks to be able to control any other parts of the audio file in any way (e.g. scrubbing and/or volume control)? 

AHammell Hi! Thanks for your response! Ideally, participants will be able to click the "play" button on the audio clip; however, they won't be able to press that button again once it's played once. Pausing/other control features wouldn't be necessary :)

asimm123 ; Alright, so I just attached a QSF file above, which you can download and import if you would like to see how exactly I implemented the following survey: _bpcbr5HysOKGQfP

There are 3 components to making this work: 1) embedded data fields, 2) corresponding question HTML and 3) corresponding JavaScript. 

For #1) Be sure to add two embedded data fields to the very top of your survey flow. In my example, I did "play_count" to help track the number of times the video was played and "pageload_count" to help track the number of times the page was load (this tracks whether or not the page was refreshed). The value of these fields will be modified with the corresponding JavaScript. Have "play_count" be set to "value will be set from Panel or URL." and have "pageload_count" be set to 0. 

For #2) Go into the "HTML" view for your audio question and add the following HTML code:

Play Audio

The only thing you need to change here is the URL between the quotes after "src"-- change it to the URL of whatever audio that you have. (Note: If you're not sure what the URL is, you can upload your audio within Qualtrics "rich content editor" within the question. After you upload the audio, go to the question's "HTML View", and the URL for your audio file should be within the HTML, much like my code above). 

For #3) Click on gear icon to the left of your audio question, then "Add JavaScript...", which will pop open the JavaScript window. This will be the JavaScript that you will need add to your audio question: 



//create variable to track play count

var playcount = 0; 

//create variable to track page refresh count 

var refreshcount = 0;

//Get audio element

//name "audiofile1" this whatever you name your audio element ID is within your HTML 

var audio = document.getElementById("audiofile1"); 

audio.volume = 1; //set audio volume to 1

// CREATE playAudio() FUNCTION

function playAudio() {

 playcount++; //increase playcount number by 1


 var button = document.getElementById("audiobutton"); //grab button id

 button.style.visibility = "hidden"; //hide the button so that it can't be played anymore

 audio.play(); //play the audio one last time 

 //update play_count embedded data to current playcount number 

 Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("play_count", playcount); 


audio.onended = function() {

if (playcount < 6){

var button = document.getElementById("audiobutton"); //grab button id

button.style.visibility = "visible"; //show button again



// TRIGGER playAudio() function on button press (note that the HTML element id for the button is called "audiobutton"

jQuery("#audiobutton").on("click", playAudio);


// NOTE: "playcount" variable refreshs to 0 if a respondent refreshes the page

// WARNING: The three lines below will not work properly if this JavaScript is on the first page of the survey

// Pull number in pageload (default within embedded data element should be set to 0)

var pageload = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData('pageload_count');

pageload = parseInt(pageload)+1; 

//save updated reload value to 'refresh_count' embedded data

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('pageload_count', pageload);


I have added comments in the JS code so that you can see what each line does. The JS code does a number of things: 

Tracks the number of times that the respondent plays the video (note, this number resets if the respondent reloads the page); this number will be saved within an embedded data field so that you can export it with the rest of your data

Tracks the number of times that a respondent loads the page (anything greater than 1 indicates that they reloaded the page: 2 = they reloaded the page once, 3 = they reloaded the page twice, etc.); this number will be saved within an embedded data field so that you can export it with the rest of your data

Hides the "play audio" button while the audio is playing 

Makes the "play audio" button reappear once the audio is done playing UNLESS the audio has been played 6 times

Again, feel free to download and import the QSF file I attached in the comment above to see how I implemented this survey. If you have any further questions or would like clarification on anything, let me know! :)

AHammell Thank you so much! This was super helpful If I have another question where I would like the participant to only be able to listen to the audio clip once, is there a way to modify this code to do that? 

AHammell Thanks so much! I put your suggested code into the javascript, but for some reason, the audio clip seems to play on a loop once the "play" button is pressed. Do you have any idea where I could have gone wrong?

Hello AHammell! Thank you very much for this helpful information. I'm wondering how to adjust the script you've provided if each of my questions has TWO audio files in it. Moreover, my audio files are in multiple choice answers, so I'm not sure if there is a way to edit the HTML of those answer choices. Grateful for your assistance!


asimm123 So sorry I missed this response! Did you get it figured out? 

morganpatrick803 To clarify, are you saying that you will have two audio files within the same question, and each are tied to multiple choice response options? 

Hi AHammell! Thanks so much for providing all this coding!!! Unfortunately the HTML code is not working for me anymore. It used to work when I uploaded my audio files through the "rich content editor", but I don't seem to be able to do that anymore, and inserting an URL from a SoundCloud or Google drive audio file into the tag you provided is not working at the moment. The button is there, but the audio isn't playing. Do you know what I could be getting wrong?

Thanks a lot!


Hi AHammell, thanks for your reply and apologies for getting back to you so late. In the end I've avoided the issue by using Qualtrics Media Library, so everything looks good on that front.

The codes you've kindly provided in this thread work fine. The only problem is that, although the 'Play' button disappears once the audio has been played the allowed amount of times (in my case, once), one can still re-play the audio by clicking on the empty area where the 'Play' button used to be. In other words, the button is hidden but that doesn't necessarily prevent people from playing the audio. Is this normal, or is it just an issue with the Preview mode?

Is there a way to make sure the playing function is fully disallowed/deactivated after an audio has been played a given amount of times?

Thanks for your help!


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