A titanic tte--tte transcribed! Jake Zawlacki chats with Chris Wisnia, writer/artist of the recent Doris Danger: Giant Monsters Amok, about the delicate balance of parody and tribute (and the behemothic labor involved) in evoking the world of Silver Age monster comics.

The archive is now searchable, and can be ordered in ascending or descending order. I have also added searchable content and character tags to each comic (I am currently halfway finished, but eventually all the comics will be tagged properly). You can view the character tags by mousing over a row in the archive. I have added keyboard shortcuts for navigation. When viewing a comic, press "a" for previous comic, "s" for next comic, and "r" for random comic. I have added shortcuts below each page to my official social media posts for that specific comic. Links to my commentary on Patreon will also be linked there with an "author commentary" button. My Patrons will know that I add commentary to each new comic I create, and I am slowly creating commentary for the older comics, starting from #1 and moving up (I am currently up to #96). 

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I have officially started a DLC Patreon page. For those of you that don't know, Patreon is a membership platform that provides tools for creators to run a subscription content service. Basically, for paying a monthly fee, you can gain access to additional Dark Legacy Comics content. For those of you that have no interest in giving me money, don't worry, I will continue to post free comics weekly, you can stop reading now.

But your humble Comics Curmudgeon does, in fact, take a holiday, and will be offline until January 1st or 2nd or whenever the mood strikes me to return from my Chrismukwaanza slumber. Relax with your loved ones and some eggnog, and then get ready for yet more comics mocking in 2024! See ya on the other side!

Our Comics Studies minor was the first of its kind in the country! An understanding of visual culture and media literacy is essential for hundreds of careers, and comics studies provides unique insight into these topics. Our students have gone on to careers in animation, digital comics creation, editing, and pop-culture journalism at such companies as Disney and Marvel.

Can I walk and chew gum at the same time? I sure couldn't during Immortal King, but I hope I'll be able to with the current chapter. Shorter stories and fewer characters will hopefully allow me to catch up and keep up with things beyond the comic. Here's where we stand.

Sluggy Freelance Book 22 R&D WARS: The free copies for higher level eligible Defenders have been sent out! Only the highest tier remain as I reach out to them for customization and bundly goodness (check your email level 6 Chazzers!). Everyone else will be able to purchase them from the Sluggy Store when it opens, and will be available from IndyPlanet shortly thereafter.

I'm very proud of the end result of the book. I'm less proud of the months upon months where I only created one comic a week while trying to finish the additional creative parts of the book (and playing Pawnz and Bookamrs catch-up). Its never been this creatively hard before. Not by miles. Since this is the only time it's happened to this extreme degree, I'm chalking it up to a fluke, but we don't want a repeat of that. I'll be aware of this as I begin layout of Sluggy Freelance Book 23 Mohkadun.

Sluggy Freelance Store: When the store opens (hopefully in the next week or two) I'll have a bunch of BOOK 22's on hand for you to purchase as well as small quantities of all the other books. For the past few years, I only open the store for less than a month around Christmas. I feel like this is, perhaps, less than optimal. But its harder and harder to run a store while keeping the comics going at the trickle they are so please forgive me on this for now. I may be outsourcing the store in the future. Then again, where do I find the time to organize that? (I'm such a dummy). Anywho hopeful store opens in a week or two, and I should have limited supplies of all books!

Pawnz and Bookmarks Catch-up: I was doing a good job on catching up on the Pawnz and Bookmarks I need to send out physically and digitally to Defenders, but there came I time where I felt better to focus on the conclusion of Immortal King. Now that were in to "lighter story" territory, I'm back to catching up! I'm using the Set Numbers established in the previous news story entitled "MAY 2023 CHECK-IN".

In conclusion: With Immortal King completed, and with smaller scope and character stories in the future I hope to make headway on the things beyond the comics (Defender Rewards, Book production, Store) while maintaining 2 to 3 comics a week. We'll see how I do. Know I'm always trying my best. And Defenders of the Nifty, thank you for your support through all these complicated years. I can't thank you guys enough. In the meantime, everyone, I'm back to the drawing board to make something monstrous.


---BOOK 22, "R&D WARS"---

I've tackled all of the scripting and designing of bonus content, bonus story, cover, and intro pages. Despite having "more to show" on the Pawnz & Bookmark front, what I've been doing for the creative additions to book 22 are what were the most nebulous and took the most blood sweat and tears. Now that's the hard part is done for getting the book to the printers, it's being preempted by the creative work on the current comics. Even though it's only one comic a week, things are coming to a crescendo with Immortal King. So I'm constantly pivoting focus right now.

Short version: The tough parts of getting book 22 completed have been conquered. But the executions of those designs will be time consuming and I'm still not in a good position to estimate when it will be done. 

I'm anxious to get back to more comics each week, and I deeply appreciate your support through this and through all the recent turbulence. I'm lucky and honored to have you guys. We will get there!

UPDATE 3/22/22: Retconning DONE! Adjustments and extra content for comics of February 16th, February 23rd, March 2nd, and March 4th. Not required reading but represents missed connection points between the current story and comics of the past!

What did I do in February? Why I almost got on top of the pile!!!


AUCTIONS (Updated 3/8): The big "catch-up" original art auction will start March 25th with an Anima Set, followed by an Immortal King set March 31st. Then we should be back to normal auctions, a couple a year.

PAWNZ POSTCARD AND BOOKMARKS: Worked out things with the printer and now have all needed printed Pawnz and Bookmarks in my possession! I hope to start shipping them out soon, but don't have a date yet. I hope to have new Pawnz and Bookmarks announced by the end of next week!

IMMORTAL KING: "Roomies Part 2" should wrap next week, followed by one more slight detour before we get back to the gang and everything coming together.

MEGATOME 02 REPRINT: Ready to go! It has the same content of the old Megatome 02, but with a matching spine to the other books and has been reformatted to be handled by my book printer Ka-Blam Printing. I hope to contact them soon to see about a turn-around time.

SLUGGY FREELANCE BOOK 22 (R&D WARS): Mostly laid out! All comics and sketch art is in! The real difficulties lie in the bonus story (and sometimes the cover) so its still a while before it can go to press, but overcoming the initial layout is a big win for me.

All in all, taking February to book-focus (and other things too) has worked out really well. Thanks to you guys for your patience!


The Grand Comics Database (GCD) is a nonprofit, internet-based organization of international volunteers dedicated to building an open database covering all printed comics throughout the world. Give our search a try, take a look at the menu to the left to see how you can help us improve the site, or use my.comics.org to track and manage your comic collection.

Each week, a small number of GCD volunteers add listings to our database for the new comics released that week in North America.These are just the basic listings, not full indexes.This makes it easier for other volunteers who upload covers and for indexers, as well as for people using my.comics.org.

Donations from wonderful humans like you are the reason I was able to leave my job to make ADHD content full-time.Patreon members receive exclusive benefits such as: early access to comics, shop discount codes, members-only #NeurodiverseSquad Discord community, and much more.

The Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table of the American Library Association is dedicated to supporting library staff in all aspects of engaging with graphic novels and comics, including collection development, programming, and advocacy. With more than 1000+ members from all over North America - and colleagues in Australia, Europe, Latin America and more - we are committed to comics advocacy and library and educational work in all aspects and in all areas. We believe #comicsareforeveryone. For more information connect with GNCRT on Twitter: @libcomix; Instagram: @libcomix; Facebook: ALA Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table group or the GNCRT ALA Connect page. Have a suggestion? Have a question? Contact us! ff782bc1db

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