Group leader
Ir Dr Ooi heads the Computational Modelling team. He is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology, Malaysia and his Doctor of Philosophy from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research experience include research positions in School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Birmingham, Wessex Institute of Technology and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford. Ir Dr Ooi is an Associate Editor for the journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine and Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. He is also a technical consultant with Ascend Technologies Ltd, United Kingdom.
His primary research interests are to use mathematical and computational modelling to understand different biophysical and physiological phenomena related to thermal ablation therapy and tissue biomechanics. He also retains an interest in the development of mesh reduction numerical methods.
ResearchGate: Click here.
LinkedIn: Click here.
Google scholar: Click here.
Group members
Ir Dr Chiew heads the Data Analytics team. He graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, with a Bachelor of Engineering Mechanical-Automotive and a Masters of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. He obtained his PhD at the University of Canterbury (UC), New Zealand investigating model-based mechanical ventilation for patients with respiratory failure. After graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Bioengineering at UC in various research, including leadership of a large randomized controlled trial. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Monash University Malaysia, pioneering a model-based clinical mechanical ventilation trial in a local hospital as well as a hospital in Singapore. His work spans from developing physiological models, algorithms and system identification methods, and creating unique clinical decision metrics, to conducting clinical and animal trials.
Dr Chiew is a member of the IFAC TC 8.2. Biological and Medical System and a Chartered Member of the IMechE UK. He is an Editorial board member in the BMC Pulmonary Medicine Journal, PloS ONE, BioMed Research International journal and he also serves as a handling editor for Frontiers of Medicine.
ResearchGate: Click here.
Linkedin: Click here.
Google Scholar: Click here
Ir Dr Yeong Shiong Chiew
Ir Dr Jen Nee Lim Jones
Ir Dr. Jones is currently a Senior Lecturer with the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia. She graduated with BEng (Mechanical) and PhD degree from Monash University. She mainly coordinates Engineering Design Units and is actively involved in industrial engagements with local industry partners, such as Sunway Concrete Products. In 2016, she was awarded the Monash University Engineering Dean’s Award for Programs that Enhance Learning. Her research interests range from design analyses in automated systems, thermal energy storage tanks, concrete formwork to instrumentation in pile testing and engineering education. She is currently working on the development of 3D breast model reconstruction using images obtained from 3D scanners.
ResearchGate: Click here.
Linkedin: Click here.
Dr Issac Lim specializes in product design innovation. He graduated from Monash University Malaysia with a Bachelor of Engineering and a Doctor in Philosophy degree majoring in mechanical engineering. As a recipient of the Higher Degree Research (HDR) scholarship, his research focus is on design tools and methodologies for the development of eco-innovative products and processes. Examples of his ongoing medical-related projects are test lungs for mechanical ventilators, smart masks for healthcare professionals, fall detection system, and gerontechnology products. These projects aim to enhance healthcare outcomes through creative, practical and cost-effective design solutions. Besides innovation, his deeper passion is in developing innovators. In his research on creative pedagogy, he has co-developed an undergraduate subject on leadership and innovation. It is offered at Monash University since year 2014. Issac has over 10 years of industry experience as a certified TRIZ consultant and trainer. To date, he has consulted and trained innovators from diverse industries within South East Asia. His involvement in the startup ecosystem has resulted in the establishment of an incubator and startups. He also serves as the Honorary Treasurer at the Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ) and the Chair for the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) Malaysia Chapter.
LinkedIn: Click here.
Google scholar: Click here.
ResearchGate: Click here.
Dr Issac Lim
Postgraduate students
William graduated with a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) degree from Monash University in April 2020. He is listed in the Faculty of Engineering Dean’s Honour List and was also a recipient of Monash High Achiever Award. William joins the BEMS group as a PhD student in December 2020. His research focuses on uncovering and elucidating the underlying biomechanical principles involved in the application of ultrasound shear wave elastography for detecting changes in renal tissue stiffness due to the progression of chronic kidney disease.
Zhi Qi graduated with a Bachelor Degree (first class hons) of Mechanical Engineering from Monash University in January 2021. His interest in biomedical engineering has led to his early involvement with the BEMS group as a research assistant working on an project with Sunway Medical Centre. He also carried out his Final Year Project with the group, where he investigated the treatment of liver cancer using laser therapy. Zhi Qi joins the BEMS groups as a PhD student in 2021. His research focuses on the use of ultrasound to restore occluded vessels due to thrombus formation.
Christopher graduated with a Bachelor's Degree (First Class Honours) in Mechanical Engineering from Monash University in May 2022. He is listed in the Faculty of Engineering Dean's Honours List and was also the overall best graduate of his graduation class. He was involved in biomedical engineering research during his undergraduate studies, Final Year Project and subsequently as a research assistant, researching in the field of mechanical ventilation. Christopher joins the BEMS group as a PhD student in 2022, where he investigates the feasibility of stochastic integrated virtual patient modelling for mechanical ventilation treatment.
Jacob graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering with First Class Honours from University of Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in October 2021. He was a recipient of the UTAR Top Achiever Scholarship and was listed on the President's and Dean's Lists of the Faculty of Engineering and Science. Since he undertook his final year project during his undergraduate studies, where he investigated the mechanical-physico characteristics of human bone scaffolds composed of novel polymer composites, he has developed a strong interest in biomedical engineering research. He joins the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia in January 2023 to pursue his doctoral studies. His research focuses on the investigation of human skin thermophysiology during dynamic thermography to discover new biomarkers in the detection of human skin cancer.
Jason obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Monash University Malaysia in 2018 and 2022, respectively. He was first exposed to biomedical engineering during his final year project - on investigating the influence of electrode lengths on the single probe bipolar radiofrequency ablation of the liver. He has since developed an interest in the biomedical engineering field. He was a Research Assistant with BEMS from 2018 to 2019. He completed his Master degree by research in August 2022 on "Gold nanorod-assisted photothermal therapy: a numerical study on the treatment of mice bladder cancer". He returns to BEMS to pursue his PhD on "A Computational Framework for the Study of Tissue Biomechanical Responses during Intratumoural Injection and their Effects on Drug Delivery".
Omar Moustafa graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) from Monash University Malaysia in June 2024. With a strong interest in multidisciplinary research, he was drawn to biomedical engineering, leading him to join the BEMS group in July 2023 for his Final Year Project. His research explored the effects of various pathological conditions on early liver cancer growth. He was awarded the Best Final Year Project in the Mechanical Engineering department and also the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Best Project. In February 2025, Omar joins the BEMS group as a PhD student, focusing on the impact of externally applied mechanical stresses on cancer progression.
Chai Yee joined the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia as a PhD student in 2015 under the supervision of Dr Ooi. She graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering with Honours from Tun Hussein Onn University of Technology, Malaysia in 2006. Her research focuses on the development of a 3D human eye model using COMSOL Multiphysics for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and structural mechanics analyses associated with the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Chai Yee successfully completed her PhD studies in February 2019 following the submission of her revised thesis to the university. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.
Shelley graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Monash University. She was a part of the BEMS group in 2017, when she did her final year project. In 2018, she joined the BEMS group to pursue her Master in Engineering Science (Research), where she explored the practicality of bipolar and multipolar radiofrequency ablation for treating liver cancer. In 2020, Shelley successfully completed her Master studies following the submission of her thesis to the university.
Nien Loong graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering from Monash University Malaysia in 2016. After his degree, he continued his studies as a doctoral student at Monash University Malaysia in 2017 where his research focus is mainly on the field of biomedical engineering. He explored the field of utilising artificial intelligence to improve mechanical ventilation treatment for patients with respiratory failure. Warren successfully completed his PhD studies in February 2021 where he has contributed to understanding the severity of ventilation asynchrony using an autoencoder machine learning model.
See Loong received his B.Eng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from Monash University Malaysia in 2018 and continue to pursue his postgraduate studies with Monash University Malaysia in 2018 as a MEngSc student. His research focuses on investigating the trends of haemodialysis of deceased patients and feasibility of model-based methods for haemodialysis treatment, with hopes to provide improvements to the overall treatment. In 2021, See Loong successfully completed his Master studies, opening up opportunities on new research area in model-based haemodialysis treatment in Malaysia.
Antony joined the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia as a PhD student in 2018. He graduated with First Class in Master in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with Honours from University of Nottingham. With research interests in bio-fluid mechanics and mathematical modelling, he joined the BEMS group to investigate the role of saline in enlarging the thermal coagulation zone during saline-infused RFA. He successfully completed his PhD studies in October 2021.
Dr Ganesaramachandran Arunachalam
Dr. Ganesa Ramachandran graduated with Bachelor of Technology from Madras University, India and Master of Science in the field of Biomedical Engineering from Aachen University, Germany. He obtained his PhD degree from Monash University Malaysia in 2022 where his research focuses on modelling spontaneous breathing dynamics of respiratory failure patients.
Mr Jay Wing Wai Lee
Jay graduated with his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Monash University Malaysia in 2019 and subsequently began his Masters in Engineering Research in Monash University Malaysia the following year. He completed his Master degree in May 2022 with his work on using stochastic modelling to develop virtual patients with the aim to optimise mechanical ventilator settings.
Mr Qing Arn Ng
Qing Arn received his B.Eng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from Monash University Malaysia in 2019. He obtains his Master degree in May 2022, with his research focusing on developing a network-based data acquisition system for intensive care mechanical ventilator system.
Jason obtained his Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering in Monash University Malaysia in 2018. He was first exposed to biomedical engineering during his final year project - on investigating the influence of electrode lengths on the single probe bipolar radiofrequency ablation of the liver. He has since developed an interest in the biomedical engineering field. He was a Research Assistant with BEMS from 2018 to 2019. He completed his Master degree by research in August 2022 on "Gold nanorod-assisted photothermal therapy: a numerical study on the treatment of mice bladder cancer".
Mr Chin Hooi Ng
Chin Hooi received his B.Eng (Hons) in Mechatronics Engineering from Monash University Malaysia in 2019. He worked as a Research Assistant in Monash, researching in the field of Computer Vision before pursuing his Master’s Degree. He completed his Master degree by research in December 2022 on "Development of Vehicular-Pedestrian Traffic Counting and Forecasting Framework."
Alexis graduated from University of Nottingham with a Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering in June 2015. Following that, she worked as a Technical Support Engineer in Panasonic Malaysia. She has a strong interest in research in the field of Biomedical Engineering. She joined BEMS as a PhD student in early 2020 and in October 2023, she successfully defended her thesis on "Computational Modelling of Thermochemical Process during Thermochemical Ablation in Biological Tissues".
Research assistants
Mr Khiy Wei Lee (2017 - 2018)
Mr Shaphan Zhu Ming Lim (2017 - 2018)
Mr Vimal Mothi (2018)
Mr See Loong Li(2018)
Ms Wee Nie Chin (2016 - 2018)
Mr Yik Hong Soo (2019)
Mr Yi Jie Tan (2019)
Mr Jason Kin Kit Cheong (2018 - 2019)
Mr Daniel Xien Sim (2019 - 2020)
Mr Qing Arn Ng (2019 - 2020)
Mr Chin Hooi Ng (2020)
Mr Charles Wen Xuan Ting (2020)
Mr Sulaiman Shah Azlan Shah (2020)
Mr Christopher Yew Shuen Ang (2021 - 2022)
Mr Yip Wai Pong (2022)
Dr. Jeshaiah Zhen Syuen Khor (2022)
Undergraduate students
The BEMS Group has provided a platform for numerous undergraduate students to carry out their Final Year Project in the field of Biomedical Engineering.