Fetal heart rate (FHR) variability is mainly determined by the autonomous nervous system,15 and marked variability could reflect fetal autonomic instability resulting from impaired fetal oxygenation.11 A recent review stated that marked variability can indicate fetal compromise and highlighted the need for further research on this pattern.16

Finally, we performed two sensitivity analyses. First, we assessed the association between marked variability and neonatal acidosis in a population of women with spontaneous vaginal deliveries. Indeed, it has been suggested that marked variability could be induced by instrumental delivery through increased intracranial pressure.21 Therefore, this analysis aimed to verify that the association remained unchanged in a population where marked variability cannot be a consequence of an instrumental delivery. In the second sensitivity analysis, we defined marked variability as fluctuations with an amplitude greater than 25 beats per minute, with a minimum duration of 2 minutes (instead of 1 minute in the main analysis).

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On presentation, Lola was quiet, alert and responsive with pink mucus membranes. Her heart and lungs were muffled on auscultation, though her heart rate was slightly faster than normal, and she demonstrated effort while breathing. She had a marked fluid wave, consistent with abdominal effusion. Pulse oximetry was 91% (most patients are >98%). Both abdominal and thoracic FAST scan (focused assessment with sonography for trauma) were positive for fluid throughout the abdomen, chest, and around the heart.

Lola was transferred to the Cardiology Service for a surgical procedure known as a subtotal pericardiectomy, which prevents pressure due to fluid buildup around the heart. During the surgery, an attempt to sample the tumor was made but was unsuccessful.

A month later, once Lola recovered from surgery, a CT scan and fluoroscopy of her chest were performed to evaluate the extent of the tumor. This was done to make sure the tumor had not spread to other organs, to facilitate a plan for radiation therapy, and determine how much the heart moved in the chest while it was beating. Fortunately, there was no evidence of cancer in other organs and there was very little fluid buildup in her chest cavity.

Brown was experiencing advanced heart failure, a condition that occurs when the heart doesn't pump blood to the body the way it should. She had a pacemaker implanted, and later, a pacemaker defibrillator. But neither treated the underlying cause of her condition.

To survive, Lola would need a heart transplant. But her weight made her ineligible for transplant surgery. Instead, the surgeon placed a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) to keep her heart functioning while she lost weight.

With the LVAD keeping her heart failure symptoms under control, Lola wasted no time getting healthy. She cut out soda and sweetened tea, as well as her daily Danish pastry. She started drinking water and exercising and stopped eating after 7 p.m.

The surgeon performed Lola's 6-hour heart transplant procedure. The surgery was successful, and Lola was up and moving in a day or 2. Within 17 days, she was released from the hospital. In 6 weeks, she started cardiac rehabilitation.

This intoxicating burst of goodness celebrates connection, the space in-between, the silence of it, a quiet reading of heartbeats, the way we dance inside when we are touched by another, the need to merge regardless of all obstacles, the twinship we seek and rarely find, sacrifices we are willing to make when we are recognised for who we truly are.

Lola Ojutalayo, MD, a Mass General Brigham interventional cardiologist and medical director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at Salem Hospital, offers insight into when you should see a heart doctor and why.

CAD is a buildup of cholesterol-filled plaque (various substances carried in the bloodstream) in the heart arteries. Plaque narrows the arteries and may entirely block blood flow to the heart as it builds up over time.

Like other muscles in your body, the heart muscle works harder with any physical movement. More activity requires more oxygen to be pumped through the heart. So it makes sense that a blockage in the pipes would cause problems.

Risk factors are things that make you more likely to develop heart problems in the future. Understanding your risk starts with seeing your primary care provider regularly (once a year). They will identify and monitor things that increase your risk for heart disease, including:

Early awareness of risk helps you and your doctor most effectively prevent heart problems in the future. Your primary care doctor can refer you to a cardiologist if needed. You can also meet with a cardiologist to receive a more in-depth assessment of your risk and identify any heart disease symptoms.

The first of the Clara Kimball Young features, to be released by the World Film Corporation this month, is the picture version in four parts by James Young of Owen Davis's play, "Lola." To say that it is daring is putting it mildly, Miss Young's picture of the Jeckyll-Hyde career of Lola Barnhelun along the primrose path is a triumph of pantomimic acting. Two or three of its hectic love scenes double--Cross Victoria and out--Elinor Miss Glyn. On this count the film should be a sensation. One highly spiced episode in Lola's career is an "affair" with an Atlantic City life guard, involving much picturesque lovemaking on the moonlit beach, which is graphic to say the least. Not less vivid was the scene in which Lola sat in her hotel bedroom and went over in her mind these exhilarating passages with the husky life guard, the lamp light playing over her face which pictured her emotions with appealing fidelity. Miss Young handles the scene with the finest skill, but the camera simply will not juggle subtleties. Lola, the sweet and dutiful, is the homebody, caring for her father, a scientist, who has discovered a medical process by which in certain cases life may be restored after the heart for several hours has ceased to beat. Lola is "killed" in a street accident, and, by means of her father's discovery, restored to life. But with the difference that the spirit that made her a warm-hearted, loving woman has fled and she returns to life only a soulless creature of the flesh. She tosses away the love of her former sweetheart, John Dorris, and becomes the mistress of Dick Fenway, who already has a wife. Dick has a bankroll, but Lola's light love refuses to stay put. Hence, the episode of the husky life guard, and later, when Dick's bankroll departs, a transfer of affection and elopement with Dick's millionaire friend. Lola falls ill and is told by the doctors she may die at any minute. Only then does she think of her abandoned father. To him she returns with the demand that when she dies he must bring her back to life for the second time. The answer of the father, who has had time and opportunity to see the evil worked by his discovery, is to send a hammer crashing through the machine that restores life to bodies vacated by their souls. And so Lola falls lifeless for good and all. Trick photography is twice invoked to make the spiritual phase of the tale plain, once when the shadowy semblance of Lola is seen to ascend from her body in her father's laboratory and once again, when she dies finally, the spirit returns to view its one-time tenement. The film aims at no scenic effect, probably with intent. All the back grounds are simple to the degree of bareness. In the same way the distance never varies, with the result that the figures come upon the screen in exact life size. The effect of this is to concentrate attention on the people of the story, their character evolutions, and thus upon the development of the psychic theme itself. Whether that was the intention or not, it was the effect. The story is interesting, the acting exceedingly well done and the "punch" delivered with stunning force. Miss Young's lady Frankenstein is very likely to start something in filmdom.

Spectators of a mystical turn of mind may find in this picture an idea of startling interest. Its central character is a young and beautiful woman, whose face is not more lovely in its grace than is her character; for sympathy and a heart of charity have endeared her to all about her. "Everybody loves Lola," is remarked by the servant girl.

In the opening scenes we were shown that Lola had been attracted by two lovers, one a rather questionable individual, the other all that a fine girl would choose and it was to the latter that she gave her affections. Not when no soul is mistress of her will, a demon seems to have entered the empty dwelling, her beautiful body. Soon we hear the servant exclaiming in astonishment and fear, "Lola, how terribly you have changed!" She is such that when, after she has wrecked the happiness of two or three men, has developed heart disease and dies, her father refuses to resuscitate her a second time.

I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH! If I was forced to choose between tienne St. Clair and Cricket Bell, I will choose Cricket. I still love tienne, but Cricket has my heart. Stay tuned next week for my Ode to Cricket Bell.

Sucking's power to calm babies is quite extraordinary: It lowers the heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels; it even reduces crying after shots and blood tests. It's amazing how much pleasure a simple pacifier can bring your little one throughout the day!

Pope Benedict, who died Dec. 31, 2022, reminded everyone "that faith is not primarily an idea to be understood or a moral precept to be followed, but a person to be encountered." Pope Francis said. "That person is Jesus Christ, whose heart beats with love for us, whose eyes look with pity upon our suffering."

To find that kind of joy at work, it's contagious. So do your best to have an open mind and open heart for this episode, because Dr. Lola has not only a beautiful perspective on life, motherhood, and even grief, but some incredible wellness nuggets. We're going to find out her thoughts on why she thinks women don't take care of their heart health as seriously as men do and why women who don't have artery blockage or women who are pregnant are more at risk than they think. be457b7860

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