Hi all, I am Belén Rodríguez,  a Ph.d. student in economics at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence.  I am an Applied Microeconomics researcher working on the topics of gender and family economics . My thesis focuses mainly on understanding the determinants and consequences of household specialization on families (see more below). I would be also happy to discuss ideas related to inequality and urban economics. 

I am currently visiting the Economics department of Università Pompeu Fabra (UPF) , working as a research assistant for Professor Libertad González.  If you are not convinced either by Florence or Barcelona, you can still find me here


Twitter: @beleninininina


New draft available!  "Children, Household Specialization and Relationship Quality", joint with Olatz Román-Blanco. In this paper, we investigate how the first child birth deteriorates couples' relationship quality due to the unequal gendered division of new housework responsibilities. Policies supporting more equitable distribution of work between women and men, such as extended paternity or shared parental leaves, may alleviate the adverse effects on couples' relationships.

work in progress

Children, household specialization and relationship quality

joint project with Olatz Román (EUI)

Risk sharing, household specialization and delayed emancipation

until the city do us part

joint project with Olatz Román (EUI) and Ana Moreno Maldonado (Cunef Universidad)