Black English Language Professionals and Friends

Statement of Purpose

The Black English Language Professionals and Friends (BELPaF) PLN exists to enhance the professional growth and development of TESOL professionals of African descent and to support the needs of Black ELLs  and their teachers. The BELPaF PLN is inclusive in nature, and welcomes the participation of all who are interested in issues affecting Black students and teachers worldwide and is a resource for the TESOL community.

BELPaF Goals

1.  Ensure excellence in English language teaching by providing opportunities for networking and mentoring among Black professionals in the field of TESOL

2.  Provide support for teachers who teach Black ELLs in the diaspora worldwide

3. Increase the number of Black people in the field of TESOL

4.  Advocate for more racially and culturally diverse contributions to and representation in ESOL textbooks, materials, and literature

5.  Encourage research, publications, and convention proposals on issues related to varieties of English in their distinctive cultural, sociolinguistic, and educational contexts

6.  Oppose discriminatory hiring practices and stereotypes or negative images of Black people worldwide

Empowering Black TESOL Professionals and English Learners

In keeping the mission and goals of BELPaF in mind and continuing to maintain a high level of professionalism and self-reliance, we will provide an opportunity for our members and friends (allies and supporters) to come together in collegiality, present our data, and support one another.  In the face of racism and other forms of marginalization, we vow to sustain our professional endeavors  and empower ourselves and each other.