Bellisseria Citizens

Group Rules

The Bellisseria Citizens Group is a private social group operating within Second Life's Bellisseria continent.  It is a testament to the beauty of Bellisseria, the hard work of those who have created it for us, and the citizens who have come to live here. The Bellisseria Citizen's Group has now surpassed 6000 members, a number that was never fathomed in the first few days after the opening of Bellisseria and the founding of this group.  Membership is free for all to join, though as a private group it is asked and even required that all members conduct themselves in a spirit that will foster the continued atmosphere of goodwill and neighbourliness that we have all come to appreciate here.  In this light, it is asked that all Citizens follow these rules to avoid common causes of chaos within our beloved Bellisseria Citizens chat:

1.  No abuse of the Lindens or Moles, whether directly or indirectly will be tolerated. 

This absolutely includes sim vs region. They've given their reasons and we're not going to give them a hard time about it. It's region. Anyone found knowingly taunting over this will be subject to temporary muting or removal from the group. Once is a mistake. Repeated taunting or straight out refusing to abide the rule is what we do not tolerate. 

Sim means sim host, or the hardware. Simulator is the binary that runs on the sim hosts. Regions run in the simulator. More information: 

2.  No abuse of group members or admins/moderators. 

This includes name-calling and other insults in addition to everything under the purview of Second Life Community Standards and Terms & Conditions. Specifically, there will be no intolerance or harassment allowed. Please be familiar with this section of the Community Standards:


Linden Lab encourages social interactions between users across multiple countries. The use of derogatory or demeaning language or images based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is prohibited. Actions that marginalize, belittle, or defame users or groups are similarly prohibited.  


Harassment can take many forms. Communicating or behaving in a manner that is offensively coarse, intimidating, threatening, or causes annoyance or alarm is not allowed.

3. No blocking the moderators. 

The ability for us to communicate with you is key. 

4. No spam in group chat. 

Spam includes but is not limited to advertising items for sale either in-world or on Marketplace.

Chatting about sales and items you've come to value is encouraged. You are welcome to ask for item recommendations in group and answer such questions with links or SLurls, but if your postings take on a recognisable promotional theme that will likely be considered advertising.

Advertising for events, clubs, etc, which are outside of Bellisseria or directing traffic outside of Bellisseria is not permitted.  There are some exceptions to this: events organized by Lindens and Moles, Relay for Life, and other charities. 

Events organized in Bellisseria by members of this group may be posted in chat. Please, keep your postings to no more than once per event. That includes "informal gatherings".  One posting in group chat at the beginning of the event is encouraged, you may do another one at half-time if the event lasts an hour or more, but continually posting it yourself or having other people post it will likely be considered spam.  For Fairgrounds events hosting multiple performers, you may post each time a new performer prepares to take the stage. There are some exceptions to this: events organized by the Bellisseria Citizens group. 

Postings of events organized by banned members are not allowed. 

Do not promote other groups or events organized by other groups in our group chat. That's what the Bellisseria Events Group is for. The Bellisseria Events group allows the free posting of notices about events in Bellisseria and you are encouraged to join and post notices and event updates there:  


5. The Penis Rule

While we understand that not everyone's humour will be the same, we need you to understand that words have power and can be harmful. Jokes about sex, age, or gender, etc, are not appropriate for such a diverse group. What does this mean? 

We know there will be slip-ups and the occasional innuendo, but the constant repetition of this type of behavior has become as stale as last year's fruit cake. We're a group of neighbours, and I KNOW it is so awesome to be able to see all your best friends in one place, but remember that not all chatter is appropriate in mixed company. 

6. Interpersonal Issues.

We do not get involved in interpersonal issues. If you have a bad breakup, we're sorry, we know it sucks and you need your friends so we fully welcome you to come to hang out with us. However, no bashing your (SL) ex in the group chat. Bellisseria is a rather large community and there is no telling who knows your (SL) ex and they might not see it the same way you do. That goes for friendship explosions as well. There are better venues for you to talk it out with your friends, but the group chat is not one of them. 

7. The Great AR Debate.  

The Only Right Answer is: "What Ever Works For You". 

Be respectful of the choice your neighbour makes for themselves regarding the filing of an AR (abuse report) when their neighbour breaches covenant with property decorations. That includes not debating or arguing about it in chat OR sending IMs to group members that you disagree with. Do not name and same in group chat. Please, remember that that itself is a violation of Bellisseria Citizens Group chat rules. 

8. The Bellisseria Citizens Group has a very restrictive policy on the sending of archived notices.  

The Bellisseria Events Group allows the free posting of notices about your events in Bellisseria and you are encouraged to join and post archived notices and event updates there:  secondlife:///app/group/0913c244-8878-95ba-c08c-81fc2214b555/about

9. Do not encourage the breaking of the Bellisseria Covenant in group chat.  

By the same token please do not bring the reporting of minor infractions that have no effect on you into group chat or name names.  Asking for clarifications of The Covenant or second opinions/advice as it affects your livability in Bellisseria is allowed, but do not name and shame in group chat. This group is not run by nor affiliated with Linden Labs/Second Life, but as we are based in Bellisseria, we have chosen to have this group follow the Bellisseria covenant and standards. 

Exceptions to these rules will be left to the discretion of the group owner. These rules are subject to change as we adjust to the needs of the community.