Bei Yan

PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology


I am interested in group dynamics in groups collaborating through and with technology. In particular, I study how collective action and collective intelligence emerge through computer-mediated communication and interaction with artificial intelligence. I conduct online experiments and analyze large behavior data sets of online collaboration. 

Keywords:  collective intelligence, crowdsourcing, group dynamics, social influence, social networks, computational social science, human-computer interaction


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Erickson, J., Yan, B., & Huang, J. (2023). Bridging Echo Chambers? Understanding Political Partisanship through Semantic Network Analysis. Social Media + Society. Download PDF

Tang, J. L., Yan, B., Chang, H., Nan, Y., Zhen, L. & Yang, A. (2023). Policy communication in times of public health crisis: Longitudinal network analysis of U.S. politician-health agency interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Computers in Human Behavior. Download PDF

Zheng, L., Mai, F., Yan, B., Nickerson, J. V. (2023). Stigmergy in Open Collaboration: An Empirical Investigation Based on Wikipedia. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS). Download PDF

Yan, B. & Hollingshead, A.B.(2022). Motivating the Diverse Crowd: Social Value Orientation and Rewards in Crowd Idea Generation. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS). Download PDF

Zhen, L., Yan, B., Nan, Y., Tang, L. & Yang, A.(In press). Misinformation Spread as a Networked Social Process: Exploring the Role of Homophily, Cyberbalkanization, Strategic Advocacy and Bot Application. Information Society.  Download PDF

Ren, R., & Yan, B. (2022). Personal Network Protects You from Troubling News Exposure on Social Media: Evidence from Two Surveys During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology. Download PDF

Yan, B., Hollingshead, A.B., Alexander, K. S., Cruz, I., Shaikh, S. J. (2021). Communication in transactive memory systems: A review and multidimensional network perspective. Small Group Research, 25(1). Download PDF

Yan, B., Jian, L, Ren, R., Fulk, J., Sidnam-Mauch, E., & Monge, P.(2020). The paradox of having a community: The effects of communication network centralization and shared task experience on wisdom of crowds. Communication Research. Download PDF

Danowski, J. A., Yan, B. & Riopelle, K. Riopelle (2020). A Semantic network approach to measuring sentiment. Quality and Quantity. (Featured in National Institute of Health (NIH)’s Nature Public Health Emergency Collection). Download PDF

Ren, R., Yan, B., & Jian, L. (2019). Show me your expertise before teaming up: Sharing online profiles predicts success in open innovation. Internet Research.  Download PDF

Yan, B. and Jian, L. (2017). Beyond reciprocity: The bystander effect of knowledge response in online knowledge communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 76: 9- 18. Download PDF

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Yan, B. & Gurkan, N. (2023). It depends on the timing: The ripple effect of AI on team decision-making. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, HI (Jan). Best paper nomination. Download PDF

Liao, T., & Yan, B. (2022). Are you feeling happy? The effect of emotions on people’s interaction experience toward empathetic chatbots. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2022). St. Louis, MI (Aug). Download PDF

Yan, B., Lewis, K., Figge, P., Hollingshead, A. B., Alexander, K. S., Kim, Y. J., & Fang, C. (2020). Intelligent Machines and Teamwork: Help or Hindrance? Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver, Canada (Aug). Best Paper Award. Download PDF

Ren, R. and Yan, B.* (2017). Crowd diversity and performance in Wikipedia: The mediating effects of task conflict and communication. CHI2017: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems, 6342-6351. New York: ACM Press. Download PDF

* The authors contributed equally to the paper

Book Chapters

Danowski, J. A., Yan, B. & Riopelle, K. Riopelle (2021). Cable News Channels' Partisan Ideology and Market Share Growth as Predictors of Social Distancing Sentiment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In E. Segev (ed.). The Meaning of Words: Semantic Network Analysis and its Applications. Routledge. Download PDF

Yan, B., Kim, Y. J., Hollingshead, A. B, & Brandon, D.P. (2019). Conceptualizing online groups as multidimensional networks. In A. Attrill-Smith, C. Fullwood, M. Keep, & D. J. Kuss (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology, Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Dennis Gouran Research Award, Group Communication Division, National Communication Association. Download PDF

Other Publications

Yan, B., & Mushti, R. (2012). Dan Breznitz & Michael Murphree, The Run of the Red Queen: Government, Innovation, Globalization, and Economic Growth in China. International Journal of Communication, 6(2012), 1446–1450. (Book Review) Download PDF

Yan, B. (2010). China city marketing practice: The case of Chengdu. In Y., Liu (Ed.), China City Marketing Development Report 2009-2010: A Road to Harmony and Prosperity. Beijing, China: China Social Sciences Press.