Module 5: Being an Inclusive Student in he


In our increasingly interconnected world, it is more important than ever to foster a culture of inclusivity. This is not just a responsibility but also an opportunity for transformation. As a university student, you have the power to shape a future where diversity is celebrated and where everyone's voice is heard. So, let us work together to create a better, more accepting, and more inclusive world.

Why Be an Inclusive University Student?

Creating an inclusive environment is essential for a fulfilling academic and professional journey. You can enrich your education by embracing diversity and engaging with different perspectives, ideas, and cultures. This approach fosters creativity, critical thinking, and empathy, all valuable traits for your studies and future career. When you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere, you help create a positive learning environment where collaboration thrives and everyone's potential can shine.

How Will This Module Benefit You?

As you embark on your journey through higher education, it's essential to have the right tools and knowledge to navigate the diverse landscape ahead. With inclusivity as your guide, you can not only enrich your academic experience but also set yourself up for a successful professional career. This module is tailored to empower you as a thoughtful, compassionate, and open-minded university student, encouraging you to expand your horizons and stand up for equality. Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

Now, let's delve into the key themes that will shape your journey towards becoming an inclusive university student.

Here are seven things to do to be an inclusivity ally! Click on each of them and explore potential cases.

Broaden Your Perspective 

Understanding and appreciating diverse viewpoints is an essential part of personal growth. It allows us to challenge our own assumptions and expand our perspectives. Just imagine how rewarding it can be to explore new ideas and insights on familiar topics, and become a more open-minded and empathetic thinker. For example, respectfully discussing global issues with individuals from different backgrounds can reveal unique viewpoints that we may have never considered before.

Practical Scenario

You are a member of a literature class that is in the process of discussing a classic novel. Although you have your own interpretation of the book, one of your classmates, who comes from a different cultural background, shares their insights during the discussion. Through their contribution, you realise that there are several cultural nuances in the book that you have not noticed before. This exchange prompts you to re-evaluate your perspective and appreciate the depth the novel offers from various angles. 

Be Mindful of Your Language and Behaviours 

It's important to use inclusive language to make sure that everyone feels respected and valued. The words we use can make a big difference in how people feel, and we should always strive to uplift others instead of marginalising them. One way to do this is by avoiding assumptions about people's identities and using gender-neutral pronouns whenever possible. Let's work together to create an environment where everyone feels seen and heard. 

Practical Scenario

You're working on a group project with teammates from different countries. While rehearsing a presentation, you realise that your script includes idioms that might confuse non-native speakers. You revise your language, ensuring clarity and inclusivity, so everyone can fully understand and contribute. 

Listen Carefully and Respectfully 

Showing that you are actively listening to someone is a wonderful way to show that you respect them, that you value their perspectives, and that you are someone they can trust. 

Practical Scenario

During a psychology seminar, a classmate shares their mental health experiences. Rather than making assumptions, you ask open-ended questions to gain a better understanding of their journey. Your thoughtful inquiries not only deepen your comprehension but also create a supportive and nurturing environment. 

Engage in Diverse Activities 

In our increasingly diverse and multicultural society, it’s important to understand and promote cultural awareness, teachers need to understand all the different types of diversity.

Practical Scenario

You visit an international food fair that is hosted by a cultural club on your campus. As you interact with students from different countries, they share with you their culinary traditions and the history behind each dish. This enriching experience leads to discussions about cultural customs and worldwide issues that you may not have had the chance to encounter otherwise. 

Stand Up Against Discrimination 

Inclusivity requires action. By speaking up against discrimination, you become an ally to those who are marginalised. Your advocacy contributes to a safer and more equitable environment. 

Practical Scenario

During a group conversation, a classmate made a derogatory comment about an ethnicity. You kindly interrupt and explain how such comments perpetuate stereotypes and harm inclusivity. By addressing the issue, you create a space where everyone feels respected.

Be Open to Fresh Experiences and Viewpoints 

Embrace diverse perspectives as opportunities for growth. Exploring different viewpoints enriches your intellectual journey and strengthens your adaptability. 

Practical Scenario

You recently attended a seminar organised by a student club on a subject you had no prior knowledge of. At first, you felt uncomfortable and out of place. However, you decided to engage in conversations with other attendees who were enthusiastic about the topic. This experience opened your mind to new ideas and different ways of thinking, expanding your academic horizons. 

Student Network Groups you can join

At Arden University, we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment that prioritises mental health and well-being, effective communication, and a vibrant learning culture. We provide extensive support for mental health, promote diversity through our student communications, and offer a range of activities and events to encourage interaction and understanding among all students. Please visit your iLearn profile to find out more about the student support groups.

Activity: Reflect and Act

As you come to the end of this module, take a moment to reflect on your personal journey towards becoming an inclusive university student. Consider the themes that have been discussed and think about how you can integrate them into your academic and professional life. This can be achieved through small daily actions, getting involved in student clubs, or advocating for inclusivity. Your commitment to this path will not only shape your own future but also the world around you.

In the Mentimeter below, share three actions you would like to do to become a more includive student. Your replies will give other people ideas!

Congratulations on completing the  Diversity Fest modules! Your commitment to inclusivity will have a profound impact on your university experience and beyond.