Zaterdag 10:49

Perfect parallel: Milan telling a story about instant attraction with someone, while Zoë is zoned out in S2, him telling a similar story and her being truly interested in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë’s phone background is a picture of Santorini by night. Her bowl with granola and bananas remains untouched.

Zondag 14:32

C is for culture:

  • “According to article 383bis of the penal code” - Actually, there are two parts to that law, with a difference between possession and making or spreading of child porn. In possession, the culprit only faces 1 month to 1 year of jail time and a fine of 600 to 6,000 euros. Otherwise, it’s 1 month to 5 years and a fine of 3,000 to 60,000 euros.

  • “That falls under sexual assault” - There are variations in the Belgian law, concerning sexual assault and age. Any sexual contact under the age of 16 - even with permission - is seen as rape. The circumstances without permission above that age, will determine if it’s either rape or assault. The sentence is 5 to 10 years of jail time if it’s a minor, up to 5 if it’s an adult. It can go even higher if the perpetrator is family or used violence.

  • “Then internment.” - Even though the word seems to translate to ‘internment’, like the internment camps in the dark pages of history, it’s not actually like that. ‘Internering’ in Belgium is a safety measure to protect society against dangerous mentally ill individuals. Those who committed terrible things (like rape or murder), but aren’t considered to be liable due to their mental illness. The culprits receive psychological treatments to reintroduce them back into society.

That’s character: Viktor is depicting manipulative, predatory behavior, just in the way he delivers his words and body language. 1. He makes it look as if she had a choice in meeting and was teasing him, to throw her off balance. 2. He gives her compliments, making her uncomfortable. 3. He ‘innocently’ orders drinks and make hand movements that remind her of that night, to show his power over her and setting the power dynamic. All while laughing, joking and keeping the conversation light. As if she was a paranoid person and he the innocent boy.

Perfect parallel: Symbolism! Viktor towering over her, while handing her the wine in episode 6 and him doing the same in this episode, threatening her. But then, when Zoë takes the upper hand in the conversation, it’s her towering over him. It’s a way to show who’s dominant, who holds the power at that moment.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë’s cellphone had been recording for 05min 54 in total when she shows the screen. So already 1m16 before the start of the clip.

Maandag 11:29

Nod to the OG / perfect parallel: Jens asking the girls if Julliet is still single - a reference to 'Romeo & Juliet' - in S2, Robbe claiming it’s his favorite movie in S3.

Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity:

  • Jana’s smirking while looking away and Zoë picking that up. They’re both silently communicating that Robbe is, in fact, not interested in Julliet, because they ‘know’ he’s gay.

  • Moyo's “Some people are into mustaches. Mostly women, but everyone has their type.” to Robbe.

  • Moyo calling Robbe a “faggot”, the boy retaliating with “You’re a faggot yourself” twice.

  • Jens saying “No one here is a faggot. And if it were the case, then you two should get together”.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana and Luca eating 'Mentos Fruit' candy. Yasmina’s slight eyebrow raise at Moyo’s comments about women.

Woensdag 11:54

Perfect parallel: The girls tagging along to the doctor for Amber as back-up in S1, them encouraging Zoë to call the doctor and listening in as support in S2.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë is checking 'chapter 5: force, labor, power, energy’ in her workbook. Yasmina is carrying a binder with the periodic table on it. Luca has a tiny shoe keychain.

Donderdag 11:50

Perfect parallel:

  • Jana being scared to talk to the Beat Girls (Gill) in S1, Zoë experiencing the same feeling in S2.

  • Jana asking Senne’s friends about Amber, because she was too embarrassed to ask herself in S1, her wanting to do the same for Zoë in S2.

Oopsie: The Messenger screen suggests that Viktor send the text at 11:15, not at 11:51 like the clip time says.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Luca saying Gill is hot - possibility hinting her bisexuality, a fandom favorite trope that 'all Chris versions are bisexual’.

Donderdag 12:13

Perfect parallel: Jana acting all nervous and clingy to Jens, hiding the cheating in S1, Zoë acting similarly to Senne, hiding Viktor’s intentions in S2.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Senne’s last Messenger conversations were with Luka, Viktor, Gill, Zoë and Amber.

Donderdag 03:37

Perfect parallel: Zoë trying to go to sleep, after checking Senne’s phone, while being spooned in S2, Robbe trying to wake up, after checking his phone, as the little spoon in S3.

Oopsie: The battery doesn’t say that the phone is charging, even though it’s plugged in.

Vrijdag 08:25

Perfect parallel: Zoë stating several times that she hates being manipulated by Senne in previous episodes, Gill saying that drunk Zoë confessed to liking the manipulation by him in this episode.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The girl interrupting their conversation carries a French news article, hinting that they both have a French exam.

Vrijdag 11:50

Bonus: The symbolism of Zoë breaking down. She’s on the ground, so at her lowest point at that moment. Her friends rush to her to hold her up and comfort her. Symbolizing that they’re always there ‘to pick her up’. This was foreshadowed as well as the actual opposite of Amber’s “Don’t come complaining if he dumps you” after their conversation on the bench.

- Noteworthy: just like the clips in the previous episode, the ones in this episode still all end with a reference to the website '' who had an entire campaign about sexual assault, consent and what to do in case it happens. -