Zaterdag 09:56

Perfect parallel:

  • Zoë laughing off Senne’s supposed ‘flirt attempt by telling her his childhood sob story’ at their first date, Zoë actually hearing his and Viktor’s childhood sob story from Gill in this episode.

  • Viktor’s manipulative “He would have these crazy temper tantrums” about Senne in E6, Gill stating the true “Viktor used to throw these crazy temper tantrums” in this one.

Oopsie: Before the “Viktor and I woke up naked together in a bed”, Gill’s hair is in front of her face. After that, her hair is tucked behind her ears.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Gill mentioned that Viktor was 14 when the accident happened, making Senne 11/12 years old at that time.

Maandag 11:45

C is for culture:

  • “That’s a rental book, you realize that right?” - In a lot of secondary schools, course books can be rented instead of bought. The content doesn’t change that often anyways, so it’s cheaper to offer them for a certain fee to the students. Though, at the end of the school year, they have to be returned in the exact condition. Paper workbooks or prints, however, have to be bought.

  • “Come on, warm waffles!” - There are actually two types of Belgian waffles: the Brussels and the Liege. The girls bought warm Liege waffles, which are thicker, chewier and with uneven edges. The Brussels one is more a rectangular shape, with a lighter and crispier texture.

Funny coincidence: Luca’s “Free at last” sounds like the quote in Martin Luther King’s speech ‘I have a dream’.

Nod to the OG: The song ‘Paradise’ by Coldplay.

Perfect parallel: Amber’s tired “Why are you always so loud?” directed towards Luca in S2, Noor’s hungover “Do you have to be so loud?” to Amber in S3.

Lost in translation: Amber saying "We gaan een terrasje doen" (literally: ‘we’re going to do a terrace’), it’s an expression indicating that you’re going to drink something on the outside (summer) terrace of a bar.

Oopsie: The girls pass along a college campus, after they step off the tram, and cross the street for the ‘Groenplaats’. But then it cuts back to the girls passing the college campus again, right before crossing.

Hello from the outside: The girls pass along a parade of mustached men, with Jana mimicking the facial hair with her napkin. This parade was actually part of the ‘2019 World Beard & Moustache Championships’, which was held in Antwerp on Sunday the 19th of May.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The girls picking up the papers Luca tossed in the air. Them all walking along the crossing in Beatles’ formation (like the Abbey Road album). Luca is eating two waffles at once.

Maandag 12:58

C is for culture:

  • “Robbe. Robbedoes!” - Luca calls Robbe the nickname ‘Robbedoes’, a reference to the Belgian comic ‘Robbedoes & Kwabbernoot’ (English version: ’Spirou & Fantasio’). Its two main characters are spontaneous journalists who run into fantastic adventures, aided by the pet squirrel ‘Spip’ and their inventor friend ‘the Count of Champignac’.

  • “Are you going to Rock Werchter next week?” - Rock Werchter is a large, annual pop/rock music festival in Werchter (near Leuven). The four-day event is organized every first weekend of summer vacation. The number of attendees can rise up to 149,500 people for the whole festival, with a noteworthy influx of international festival goers in recent years (British, French, Dutch, Australian, South African, ...). It has three spin-offs: ‘TW Classic’, ‘Werchter Boutique’ and the French ‘Main Square Festival’ in Arras.

Perfect parallel:

  • Jana buying her summer outfits at C&A in S2, her shopping at the same clothing chain - with Noor helping her - in S3.

  • Yasmina again hinting at a (former) crush on a boy, just like the earlier conversation with Zoë in S2 and doing the same in a conversation during wtFOCKDOWN.

Lost in translation: Luca's "Eentje is geentje" (= literally: ‘One is none’), stating that it’s better to drink/eat/do at least one or more than having missed one (thing).

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Robbe's eyes dart upwards for a millisecond, after Jana asks "For Blonde Ambition?", confirming that he indeed voted for them.

Dinsdag 08:42

C is for culture: What’s with the last week of school? Well, after the December/April/June exams, the school can fill the days before the break with what they want. Most schools give their students a couple of free days, others might organize fun excursions or festivities. On the last Friday, however, they’ll hand out report cards and discuss them with students/parents.

Perfect parallel:

  • Zoë quickly darting away to avoid Senne in E7, Senne doing the same to her in this one.

  • Her making up lame excuses not to contact Senne in previous episodes, Senne’s “My phone was turned off. I didn’t want to be distracted while I was studying. Sounds familiar?” here.

  • In the first episodes, Zoë keeps saying that she won’t fall for what Senne says - his flirt attempts or lying stories, in this episode she states “I’m not falling for your bullshit” - his statement about wanting to leave.

  • Zoë saying “Isn’t it time to get over it?” to Senne in S1, her “You should stop feeling so sorry about yourself" in S2.

  • Zoënne letting go of each other’s hands after a painful conversation in S2, Sobbe doing something similar after their make-up kiss in S3.

  • An upset Senne left behind in a high school hallway in S2, a sad Robbe ignored in a college hallway in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Senne’s slight nod at Zoë’s “Away from me?”.

Woensdag 11:44

Perfect parallel:

  • Zoë acting cold, because she doesn’t trust Senne, in the earlier episodes. Senne looking for reasons to be cold, because he’s scared of people being too close to him in this one.

  • Senne’s “I don’t believe that” at Zoë’s statement that her parents don’t love her in E4, Zoë saying “I don’t believe that” at him denying his love for her in this one.

  • Zoë always running towards Senne - to chase him, to apologize, to talk - in previous episodes, him running towards her - to make-up - in this one.

  • The song ‘Nightcall’ by London Grammar played during their first kiss in E3, the same one plays during their reunion in this scene.

  • Their kiss can be compared with their first kiss, only quicker and more frantic: her rubbing his cheek, pausing to smile in relief, wrapping her arms around his neck, putting the palm of her hand under his ear, Senne messing up her hair, her squishing his head between her hands.

  • The movements of the sex scene in S2 are similar to the ones from S1 and S3. Foreheads leaning on each other before a kiss, a cut to pushing themselves through a open door, a hand caressing along the side, a neck kiss, kissing down a stomach, fingers gripping a back, a hand through the hair, a cut to both of them having naked chests with one on top.

Nod to the OG:

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë never ends the call with Jana. (Awkward!)

Donderdag 09:32

Perfect parallel:

  • The entire cuddle scene in S2 can be mirrored with the Sobbe hotel clips in S3: the way they’re positioned (big spoon-little spoon, face towards each other), movements (caressing cheeks, going through each other’s hair), the kisses (forehead kisses, cheek kisses, full-on making-out) and the looks they give each other (Zoë looking up at Senne).

  • Senne saying “He can’t get away with this” in this clip, repeating it in the next.

  • Zoë inviting Senne to come live with her in S2, her offering a room to Robbe in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë is still wearing her white and black hair tie on her right wrist, like she consistently does throughout the season.

Vrijdag 15:43

Perfect parallel:

  • The theme of their FreeFest team was ‘80s flashback’ in S1, Luca wears an 80s-inspired-outfit in S2.

  • The season opening with a (washing machine) door to Zoë’s POV, ending with an aerial shot away from her in S2. The third season opening with a door that Robbe opens up to a party, ending with an aerial shot - through the roof - away from him.

  • Zoënne kissing at a party while their friends cheer in the background, before the camera pans away at the end of S2, Sobbe experiencing the same in S3.

Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe pushing Milan away from him, saying “Get off me, faggot”. Moyo can see what’s happening and laughs at his embarrassment.

Hello from the outside:

  • Somewhere during the exam period (I can’t find whén anymore), Luca and Amber made tiny exam motivational quotes, which were spread out all over Antwerp. Fans of them found them and made pics.

  • At the party were a ton of Belgian influencers, who made multiple insta stories of being there at the same time that the clip dropped.

Where’s Wally? Hey, look, Keisha dancing with Jens and Moyo, Britt in the crowd with Gill, Max' making some dance moves towards Luca and Lisa is vibing with Milan.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana mouthing ‘hoi’ (= hey) to Luka. The tiny nod Jens gives Robbe, so that they go upstairs. The millisecond of hurt on Luka’s face when he noticed Jana greeting Jens and her lingering look on him afterwards.