Zaterdag 12:23

C is for culture: Zoë takes an emergency contraceptive to prevent a possible pregnancy after unprotected sex. There are two types of morning after pills sold in Belgium: 'Norlevo' (which works until 3 days after) and 'EllaOne' (5 days after). Since the 1st of april 2020, those pills will either be completely free of charge or will cost you no more than 1 euro.

Hello from the outside: The clip ends with the reference “Have you experienced something similar to Zoë” to the website ‘’. On this website, wtFOCK started a campaign to educate / inform viewers on consent, sexual assault and #metoo. Apparently, the storyline of Zoë had an huge impact on the teens, because the traffic on the website increased heavely during those months.

Perfect parallel: Milan asking “Is it going to take much longer?” and distressed Zoë snapping “It’s still going to take a long time, okay?” in S2, Senne asking the same and an irritated Robbe answering “Yes, it will still take long” after the Pride speech in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The (fake) name for her emergency contraceptive is ‘Levoda’.

Zondag 11:43

Perfect parallel: Milan knocking on sad Zoë’s door with “There are some sandwiches in the kitchen” in S2, him knocking on despaired Robbe’s door and stating “You can always reheat them in the microwave” in S3.

Oopsie: Viktor’s last name is ‘Deruwe’, not ‘De Smet’. Either production made a mistake or he is in fact Senne’s half-brother and they just didn't mention it.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Viktor is born in 1998, according to his profile, making him 21 years old during S2. Zoë only has 6 friends on her Facebook. She’s using the ‘’ website to search for information.

Woensdag 18:21

That’s character: Zoë is very consistent in her ecological mindset throughout the seasons. She mentions printing flyers on recycled paper, uses her bike as transport, tries to educate Milan, goes to the 'Vegan Street festival', slams Senne for polluting due to fireworks, buys a durable Christmas tree, even her lipstick brand is vegan and she doesn’t eat meat.

Hello from the outside: “I was thinking Rocket Man.”, Milan is referring to the movie based on the life of Elton John, which came out in the Belgian cinemas exactly the week before.

Perfect parallel: Milan stealing Zoë’s pasta and saying “Was that yours?” in the first episode, his “Oh, that was your tofu?” in this episode.

Funny coincidence: Milan wants to order asian food, with him wearing an asian style t-shirt with noodles on it.

Nod to the OG: Zoë’s “I was going to eat the tofu sticks now.” as reference to Noora’s “I need my fish cakes now.”. However, wtFOCK changed the story to Zoë ranting due to emotional stress, not spiraling towards former ED habits.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Someone in the flat share likes drinking 'Coca Cola'.

Donderdag 10:21

C is for culture: “Het is niet echt suikerfeest” - In Belgium, ‘Eid Ul-fitr’ is known by another name, namely ‘Suikerfeest’ (literally: ‘sugar fest’). This expression comes from an old translation to Dutch from the Turkish ‘Seker Bayrami’. The muslim community is lobbying to change this common term in the media, because the link with ‘sugar’ is rather negative.

Perfect parallel: Luca acting ‘hard to get’ towards Max in this episode, her dancing with him and clearly being interested in the last episode.

Donderdag 12:17

Perfect parallel: Luca saying “Was there a weird vibe going on between Zoë and Senne?” here, Viktor's “Weird vibe” about Senne dismissing Zoë in an earlier episode in S2, Zoë stating “There was a really weird vibe” to Jana about Robbe in S1 and Jens’ statement “There was definitely a weird vibe going on” at Robbe in S3. (They really like the words 'weird vibe', don’t they?)

Oopsie: The girls wear totally different outfits from the previous clip, even when it’s still supposed to be the same day.

Vrijdag 10:21

Perfect parallel: Zoë looking in the mirror at school and being insecure about Senne’s intentions in an earlier episode, her looking in the mirror before running towards Senne in this episode.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: They’re kissing in the Biology class room. (Again with the Biology red thread through the season!)

Vrijdag 12:34

Perfect parallel:

  • Senne playing with Zoë’s beach blonde hair while talking in S2, Robbe doing the same with Sander’s hair in S3.

  • Zoë stating that Senne always wants to be right to Milan in the previous episode, while Senne says “You were right” to her in this episode.

  • Zoë confessing “I’ve had more support from my friends in one day than I’ve ever had from my parents” in episode 4 and Senne's “Those are the guys I care about, my friends. That’s my family. Not my parents.” in this.

  • The couple having their first date at the pier in the second episode, them having a make-up lunch date in this one.

  • Zoë playing with Senne’s hoodie strings in S2, Robbe doing the same with Sander’s in S3.

  • Viktor’s manipulative “Maybe I’m a bad brother for telling you all of this” while talking bad about Senne in previous episode, Senne's protective “If he wasn’t my brother… I don’t know. But he is my brother" here.

  • Senne being playful and tickling Zoë in S2, Robbe and Sander having a pillow fight in S3.

  • Zoë wearing a black jacket with Senne in a hoodie in S2, Sander wearing a black leather jacket with Robbe in a hoodie in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: They brought raspberries and vitamin water.

Vrijdag 19:34

C is for culture: "Your favorite biscuits” - Milan pulls out ‘stroopwafels’, typical Dutch wafer cookies, made from two thin layers of baked dough joined by a caramel filling. It’s a very popular sweet snack and part of the culture in the Netherlands as well as countries in the former Dutch Empire.

Hello from the outside: After this clip, Yasmina and Luca posted some insta stories and pics about making a sentence in lipstick on the mirror of lunch bar ‘De Walvis’. It said 'See you a latte' with a whale underneath. Apparently, some fans found this mirror message on the same day as they posted it.