Zaterdag 18:12

C is for culture: “Because we’re going to Angèle” - Angèle is a Belgian singer-songwriter. She's one of the biggest breakout acts in French and Belgian pop, with the hit ‘Tout oublier’ ft. her brother 'Roméo Elvis'. In April 2020, she performed for ‘One World: Together At Home’, the global broadcast to support healthcare workers and the WHO for COVID 19, hosted by Lady Gaga.

Hello from the outside: The singer did have a concert in ‘Vorst Nationaal’ Brussels that night, which the actresses both attended and put on their characters’ insta.

Perfect parallel: Zoë jokingly saying “I started being afraid that you thought we were official or something” in a previous episode, Jana’s sarcastic “There is nothing going on between you two anyway” now.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë has a vintage tin box on her desk.

Zondag 11:53

C is for culture: “When I arrived back at the polling station, ..." - In Belgium, voting is mandatory for anyone of legal age and Belgian nationality. Not showing up for polling station duty or voting itself, could cost you a fine or even a lawsuit. Exceptions are illnesses, working abroad, being jailed, etc. The election always happens on a Sunday morning, so that (almost) everyone can cast a vote on a non-working day.

Due to the complex political system, some elections are grouped together. Every five years, it’s the one for the European parliament, the Federal government and the regional governments (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels). Every six years, the municipal and provincial council election. It’s entirely possible to vote ‘blanc’ if you want to, then it simply doesn’t count.

Perfect parallel: Zoë asking for a break in their relationship in the exact same spot as the start of it - their first kiss in an earlier one.

That’s character: Throughout the seasons, Senne has shown that he has got some anger issues. Whenever he feels frustrated, scared or incapable of things, it often results into physical violence. From slamming doors and punching walls to threatening Viktor with a knife. This is a consequence of his own insecurity. He often feels incompetent about the situation he’s put in (due to his past) and wants to change that by ‘being the bigger (tougher) guy’.

Hello from the outside: After this whole Zoënne ordeal, Jens posted a picture to his insta claiming that he ‘lost his bike last night due to heavy drinking’. He provided a vague location and the fact that his number was attached to it. This resulted in an actual search for the fans around Antwerp. Eventually, someone found it, called the number and the actor Nathan Bouts showed up to collect.

Maandag 10:14

Perfect parallel/Funny coincidence: The principal thinking about cancelling FreeFest due to the Beat Boys’ violence in S2, then cancelling it due to COVID-19 in wtFOCKDOWN.

Oopsie: You can clearly see that Senne’s black eye is smudged with white make-up at the borders, making the whole thing look fake.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë mouthing ‘Wat?’ (= What?) to Jana, her answering ‘Ik weet niet’ (= I don’t know).

Bonus: The fact that they put ‘Sound of da police’ by KRS-One underneath the image of the police officers going outside. Brilliant!

Dinsdag 13:50

Perfect parallel:

  • Zoë having a conversation about what to do with Senne in the same classroom as her making up with him in an earlier episode.

  • Yasmina vaguely revealing a (former) crush in this episode and later on in S2, Robbe trying to pry information out of her about that someone, without result, in wtFOCKDOWN.

How ‘meta’ of you: Yasmina saying “That I have to wait” about the feelings for the boy, but it’s also a hint that we have to wait for her season to explore that storyline.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Senne gifts her a ‘Huawei Psmart 2019′. Zoë needs to finish her Biology report, as the subject is a red thread in this season like Psychics was Jana’s.

Woensdag 13:45

Perfect parallel: Milan saying “I think you’re looking for excuses to be angry at Senne” in this episode and Zoë doing exactly that in the episodes before their first kiss.

Lost in translation: Milan saying “Dat is geen huiswerkge-ijsbeer. Dat is boyfriendgebanjer”. The words ‘ijsberen’ and ‘banjeren’ both mean nervously pacing around, but the last one is only used in the Netherlands. Milan wants to make an alliteration, so he chooses that to rhyme with ‘boyfriend’.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Some of the Grindr profile names include ‘Power bottom XL’ and ‘Sex now’.

Donderdag 13:45

C is for culture: Why aren’t Zoë and Amber in school on a Thursday? Well, it’s the holiday weekend of ‘the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven’. In Belgium, when a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, the schools and some companies have an extra day off in between that holiday and the weekend, thus extending the weekend.

Perfect parallel: Zoë confessing her relationship with Senne to Amber in S2, in the same location as Jens confessing to Jana that he smokes weed in S1.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The coffee cups have the sentence 'I’M a big HOT cup' on them and are instantly forgotten during their conversation.

Vrijdag 21:42

That’s character: Viktor’s manipulative behavior is starting to get apparent here. At first, he’s being nice, offers help and invites her in. Then he throws her off by saying things like “Did Senne tell you that? Typical”, “Our Senne doesn’t like it when his friends get to know his family” and “And I don’t think he’ll be sleeping alone either”, while he acts like he’s doubting, insecure and wounded.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The hardened look on his face right before he calls Senne, a sudden change from his (fake) nice face.

Vrijdag 21:53

That’s character: Senne’s big brother keeps controlling this entire conversation, not only by the words he’s saying, but also his body language and timing. He already gained some trust in the previous clip, by helping her out and acting innocent. Now he put a glass of wine in her hand, compliments her, waits for the moment that she’ll ask more about Senne and makes up a sob story. Then he digs into Zoë’s insecurity by stating "He saw a lot of women trying to change him and getting hurt". At the end, adding the final blow to make her believe that he’s cheating. And viola, Viktor has an intoxicated victim he can prey on.

Perfect parallel: Viktor lying that Senne has an undiagnosed MI, doesn’t want people to find out and that all sorts of women tried to change him in S2, while Sander actually has an MI, wás scared that Robbe found out and Britt somewhat tries to change him in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë doing shots of ‘Pisang’.