Zaterdag 10:12

C is for culture: “Can I have my pancake now?” - Usually pancakes are the ‘french-style’ crêpes, covered with sugar. The most used being the light-brown sugar ‘Cassonade Graeffe’ - also called ‘kinnekessuiker’ (= child sugar), because of the child on the packaging. In some families, there is the tradition that you eat them on the 2nd of February, a.k.a. 'Candlemas’.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Look at this adorable pic of Jana wth her mom.

Maandag 16:04

C is for culture: “She definitely can’t keep it” - Abortion in Belgium was fully legalized in 1990. Back then, the reigning king Baudouin stepped down from the throne for 44 hours - due to his beliefs as a Catholic - to give his power to the parliament enabling them to sign the law themselves. The procedure is possible until the 12 weeks and in exceptional circumstances, later as well (risk for the mother, fetus showing birth defects).

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Luca is playing with a child's puzzle in the waiting room.

Woensdag 11:30

C is for culture: “Sorry, German exam tomorrow” - Belgium has three official languages: Dutch (Flemish), French (Walloon) and German. In Flanders, you start learning French from age 10, English from age 12 and in later years of secondary school, you have either the option to choose between German and Spanish or learn German anyways. More info about that here.

Perfect parallel: Zoë saying “There was a really weird vibe” to Jana about Robbe in S1 and Jens’ statement “There was definitely a weird vibe going on” at Robbe in S3.

Vrijdag 11:21

Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity - perfect parallel: Jana assuming Robbe has a crush on her in S1, before his attempt at coming out and Jens stating Jana as his potential crush during his actual coming out in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Yasmina wanting to help Jana with psychics, a subject the show keeps referring to regularly.