
C is for culture:

  • The squad at 'Pukkelpop' festival: One of the most popular and biggest festivals in Belgium, four/five days around the second weekend of August near the city of Hasselt (Limburg). Also known for the heavy storm in 2011: multiple infrastructures collapsed onto people seeking shelter, killing five in total. Since then, the festival sector has stricter rules surrounding crowd control, infrastructure and cellphone tower availability.
    Storyline hint: Jana and Britt partying together and Jens and her hooking up in a tent, so we can assume Britt didn’t know about their relationship then.

  • Jens in a Belgian scouting uniform: A mixed youth movement.
    Storyline hint: Britt and Jana met in the same youth movement group.

  • “Then there was the 3rd of September”: In kindergarten, primary and secondary school always start on the 1st of September, unless the date falls in a weekend. Then it’s the first Monday, which in this case, was the 3rd.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Teens drinking the same champagne as the wtFOCK trailer. Jens skating along with a mini keyboard in his hands.

Maandag 16:03

C is for culture:

  • The boys are drinking ‘Cara’: The cheapest Belgian beer on the market, only 30 eurocents per can. Every so often it changes some flavor, because the seller 'Colruyt' picks the brewery who promises lowest price to produce it. It has cult status between youngsters (with the catchphrase: ”Het is Cara, trut” - “It’s Cara, bitch”). Perfect for the festivals, cheap-ass parties or hang outs, because it’ll always tastes like piss anyways - warm or cold, it doesn’t matter.

  • Jana sports a ‘Fjällräven’ backpack: A popular Swedish trademark, all the rage among European teens.

How ‘meta’ of you: Robbe saying “We’re witnessing a high school drama”, alluding to Britt-Jana drama. Luca uses the same terminology in S3 to explain to Amber: “We’re not walking around in a high school drama”. (Yes, they are!)

Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +2, spilling beer while opening the can and almost losing his balance when filming Jens chugging a beer.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Robbe gives Jens some lingering lovey-dovey eyes. A subtle hint towards the crush he has on him.

Dinsdag 16:09

Perfect parallels:

  • Robbe saying “Don’t kiss so close to school, that’s bad for my image" in S1 and kissing Sander openly at the school gates in S3.

  • The phrases “Behaving like a lovesick puppy” - “You’ll wiggle your tail faster than a teckle” in S1 and Sander saying “Chasing after Jens like a horny lapdog” in wtFOCKDOWN.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens drew a doodle in his math book, on the page explaining the discriminant and the quadratic formula.

Dinsdag 19:24

C is for culture:FreeFest, the wannabe ‘Tomorrowland’” - Tomorrowland is the biggest Belgian festival, set in Boom in the two last weekends of July. It’s one of the most popular festivals as well as multiple award winner of the ‘Best music festival’ in the world. Every nationality is present in the mass of 400,000 people. Names like David Guetta, Martin Garrix, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Steve Aoki, Axwell Λ Ingresso and 1,000 other DJs form an impressive line-up on the 18 stages. Tickets are very hard to come by.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana’s cellphone provider is 'Telenet', one of the main producing company’s behind wtFOCK. The time exactly matches the clip time.

Woensdag 08:22

Funny coincidence: Keisha saying “Girl, which planet are you from?”, while wearing an ‘Earth invasion’ t-shirt with the quote 'She’s on a mission to save the world' from Zara.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The poster for the kick-off mentions ‘Beat boys and girls present kick-off’, hinting at the FreeFest group Senne is a part of.

Vrijdag 15:49

C is for culture: The boys going to a concert of 'Pasi' - An Antwerp rapper with Congolese roots, under the record label ‘Eigen Makelij’. The label is specialized in Flemish hiphop and also produced albums of popular rapper 'Tourist LeMC' and rap collective 'Rupelsoldaten'.

Vrijdag 20:43

Hello from the outside: The rapper ‘Pasi’ (mentioned above) actually did have a real concert ‘PASI+SAALK’ on that exact Friday 5th of October 2018 in ‘Trix’ Antwerp. Robbe and Jens are pictured on insta in front of that building.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana was eating from a mini can salted 'Pringles' chips, while scrolling through Instagram.

Vrijdag 21:58

Where’s Wally? Did you spot Senne, Gill and Luka on stage, but did you also see Amber talking to her squad and the flash second of Luca dancing in the crowd?

Oopsie: The clock on the wall says it’s 22:30, while Jana arrived at 21:58.

Vrijdag 22:36

C is for culture:

  • The girls are drinking ‘Cristal Alken’ beer: Brewed by the same brewery who also produces pils beer ‘Maes’, Trappist beer ‘Grimbergen’ and cherry flavored beer ‘Mort Subite’. The ‘Alken Maes’ company also has the rights to ‘Desperados’ - beer with a bit of tequila.

  • Keisha offering laughing gas/nitrous: This substance is technically not illegal in Belgium. There isn’t a law that prohibits the sale of it, but in some cities you can get a fine up to 350 euros when caught distributing or using the capsules for recreational purposes. This party drug is getting more popular among teens.

Vrijdag 23:48

Where’s Wally? Ah, Marie (Luka’s girlfriend) is dancing along with her friends!

C is for culture: Did you spot Jana giving the bartender a gesture with her pinky up? In Belgium, when ordering a beer, you can also just show an upwards pinky, instead of shouting what you want to the bartender or your friends. They’ll immediately know what you mean. Nobody knows where this habit came from. Some people say it comes from the dialect word for a beer, so ‘pintje’. It is however perfect for loud places, like a party or festival.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë was drinking a cola, hinting at the fact that she doesn’t drink.