Lone Hacker Shuts Down North Korea

“If they don’t see we have teeth, it’s just going to keep coming.” - P4x, HACKER

In early January of 2021, an independent U.S hacker who goes by the name, “P4x,” was hacked by North Korean spies. Motivated by a lack of involvement by the U.S government regarding software security, P4x decided to launch “denial-of-service” attacks on North Korea’s limited internet platforms. P4x was able to accomplish this easily through North Korea’s numerous system vulnerabilities, resulting in an internet blackout primarily targeting propaganda focused websites, for North Korean citizens. Key routers and almost every single North Korean website were affected by P4x’s vengeful hack. Although North Korea as a whole was P4x’s primary target, he never meant for the citizens of North Korea to be affected, but instead, just the North Korean government. With this in mind, P4x has hopes of recruiting more hackers through the creation of a dark website, “FUNK Project,” to execute cyber attacks and gather information in hopes of preventing any future hacks by North Korea.

Julia H.