Call for Papers

The gap between rationality-based analysis that assumes utility-maximizing agents and the actual human behavior in the real world has been well recognized in economics, psychology and other social sciences. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in conducting behavioral research across many of the sub-areas related to economics and computation to address this gap. In one direction, some of these studies leverage insights on human decision making from behavioral economics and social psychology literature to study economic and computational systems with human users. In the other direction, computational tools are used to study and gain insights on human behavior and a data-driven approach is sometimes used to learn behavior models from user-generated data.

The Behavioral EC workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, including but not limited to computer science, economics, psychology and sociology, to exchange ideas related to behavioral research in economics and computation. In addition to sharing new results, we hope the workshop will foster a lively discussion of future directions and methodologies for behavioral research related to economics and computation as well as fruitful cross-pollination of behavioral economics, cognitive psychology and computer science.

We welcome studies at the intersection of human economic behavior and computation from a rich set of theoretical, experimental and empirical perspectives. The topics of interest for the workshop are behavioral research in all settings covered by EC, including but not limited to:

  • Behavioral mechanism design and applied mechanism design
  • Empirical studies of economic behavior
  • Boundedly-rational models of economic decision making
  • Model evaluation and selection based on behavioral data
  • Online prediction markets, experiments, and crowdsourcing platforms
  • Hybrid human-machine systems
  • Models and experiments about social considerations (e.g. fairness) in decision making
  • Methods for behavioral EC: information aggregation, probability elicitation, quality control

Submission Instructions

  • Submission deadline: May 1, 2019, 11:59pm PDT.
  • Notification: May 20, 2019

We will give priority to new (unpublished) research papers, but will also consider ongoing research and recently published papers that may be of interest to the workshop audience. For submissions of published papers, authors must clearly state the venue of publication. Papers will be reviewed for relevance, significance, originality, research contribution, and likelihood to catalyze discussion. The workshop will not have archival proceedings but will post accepted papers on the workshop website. Position papers and panel discussion proposals are also welcome. At least one author of each accepted paper will be expected to attend and present their findings at the workshop.

Submissions can be in any format and can be up to 18 pages long (plus a title page and excluding appendices that can be arbitrarily long). We recommend the format of the EC submissions. The limit of 18 pages on the main body is an upper bound, and papers can be significantly shorter.

Submissions should be uploaded to the submission server no later than May 1, 2019, 11:59pm PDT.

Organizing Committee
