I'm the type of person who usually learns by doing. I have an idea for an app but am conflicted if I should just start development and when I come across something just look it up in my book (the popular apress grapefruit book) or just go through the book first getting the fundamentals down! Any suggestions? I'm already through chapter 5.

Take everything you learned playing with sample source code and building your proof of concept and construct your production application. Do not release it to the App Store until you've tested it on the device and ran it through Instruments a few times to make sure you've got the kinks worked out, the last thing you want is bad reviews. For god sake make somebody else test it! "Lone Wolf" development is fine if you're building something open source but if you are shipping a closed source product you need another set of eyes, I don't care how perfect your ivory tower is.

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Next, check out the "Your First iPhone Application" document. It's a quick tutorial and walk-through of the development process. Once you do this, there isn't any reason not to try creating your own application. Just keep in mind that as you read the rest of the documentation you'll stumble on better ways of doing things.

Finally, I found Apple's "Fundamentals of Cocoa Session from WWDC" video very helpful in getting a sense of the typical development flow and how Cocoa and Quartz works. That video demonstrates creating a desktop app, but 99% of it applies equally to the iPhone. That particular resource is available by clicking on their "Getting Started Videos" link.

You will need to set up an account in iTunes Connect if you plan on submitting apps to the App Store. As an iOS Developer Program member, you have access to both the GM and pre-release versions of Xcode, which includes the Xcode IDE, Instruments, iOS Simulator, and the latest iOS SDK. You can download the GM version of Xcode from the Mac App Store, or obtain pre-release versions from the iOS Dev Center. You can get all these information on developer.apple.com site. It is the best site where you can learn everything about iPhone app development.Thanks

Then-Apple CEO Steve Jobs steered the original focus away from a tablet (which was later revisited in the form of the iPad) towards a phone.[9] Apple created the device during a secretive collaboration with Cingular Wireless (later renamed AT&T Mobility) at an estimated development cost of US$150 million over thirty months.[10] According to Jobs in 1998, the "i" word in "iMac" (and thereafter "iPod", "iPhone" and "iPad") stands for internet, individual, instruct, inform, and inspire.[11][12]

At WWDC 2007 on June 11, 2007, Apple announced that the iPhone would support third-party Ajax web applications that share the look and feel of the iPhone interface.[74] On October 17, 2007, Steve Jobs, in an open letter posted to Apple's "Hot News" weblog, announced that a software development kit (SDK) would be made available to third-party developers in February 2008.[75] The iPhone SDK was officially announced and released on March 6, 2008.[76] The App Store was launched with the release of iPhone OS 2.0, on July 11, 2008.[77]

Before the iPhone, smartphones were mostly used for texting, calls, and email; more advanced functions were harder to use and inconvenient on a small screen.[188] They were also hard to develop for, and lacked a thriving app ecosystem like the App Store (released in 2008).[189][190] Many phones were heavily customized by mobile carriers, which led to feature fragmentation and prevented these phones from turning into thriving software platforms.[191] In contrast, Apple's iPhone SDK provided a wide range of APIs, made mobile development far more accessible,[192][193] and was instrumental in turning the iPhone into a "Swiss army knife" with a wide range of features and apps.[188]

We can run Mac on window machines using VMWare or Hackintosh, but these are not recommended for iOS coding purposes.So basically, as an iOS developer, you will need a Mac for the development/debugging/testing of an iOS app.

To start developing iOS apps, Xcode is the only tool you need to download. Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) provided by Apple. It includes the iOS SDK (Software Development Kit), a source code editor(UI), debugging tools, and much more.

It's incredibly entertaining and satisfying to create your app idea. It's not just the result that counts-what makes it worth it is the gradual progress of improving, learning, and refining. And in the process, you will cultivate a special, employable skill of iOS development.

The book starts with the basics, walking you through the process of downloading and installing Apple's free iPhone software development kit, then stepping you though the creation of your first simple iPhone application. You'll move on from there, mastering all the iPhone interface elements that you've come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, sliders, etc.

And there's much more! You'll learn to draw using Quartz 2D and OpenGL ES, add multitouch gestural support (pinches and swipes) to your applications, and work with the camera, photo library, accelerometer, and built-in GPS. You'll discover the fine points of application preferences and learn how to localize your apps for multiple languages. You can discover more about this book, download source code, and find support forums at the book's companion site, at www.iphonedevbook.com.

With the touchscreen technology in place, Merchant says that many of the designers and engineers on the iPhone development team absolutely saw it as an opportunity to build an entirely new kind of mobile computer, exactly what the iPhone would become for its millions of loyal users.

Can anyone help me

 i have some knowledge in Computer and analysis .. i do work with Excel and Access what i look for is a away to build an iphone app based on my access data base and some of my Excel sheets as well

Hi Chris,

 I want to make a songs app of my language for iphone firs and cross platform later. Can i develop an app exctly like saavn , spotify or soundcloud?. I am really keen to do and learn this. If you could guide me,it would be great or we can do business on this. reply me here or email me nsaini23@gmail.com . It would be really appreciative for you if you will help me.


 I am not trying to create my own app but I am writing a paper/report of an app I would create that would serve as a controller for game consoles. I am trying to give a breif description of how app development works but this is a lot to sum up. Could you help? 0852c4b9a8

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