
Q2: What is the best thing about studying in Ireland?

See beautiful landscapes, get to know Irish traditional music, get to know the Irish accent

Many Friendly, helpful people

Irish culture, travelling, contrasts between rural and urban parts are impressing

The trips to the wonderful landscapes and that my English becomes better

Meeting many people from different cultural backgrounds

Q3: What is the biggest challenge of studying in Ireland?

Write essays

Some teacher might speak a bit unclearly for non-Irish people + the weather is changing all the time so you get easily sick

Understanding the Irish people in the tutorials and project groups

Trying not to spent too much money on alcohol

Q4: What advice would you give to somebody who is going to study in Ireland?

Volunteer because through volunteering you can get in touch with Irish easily

You'll probably write a lot of essays, there are references classes and there's a writing center + search for good connective words

Ireland is definitively the best choice. Accomodation on campus. Join Clubs and Societies.

Be open-minded, get out of your comfort zone, meet new people and travel the country. It's worth it!