Bee Friendly Warwick


We are a local community group aiming  to increase food, water and shelter for ‘wild’ bees and pollinators in general and remove threats across Warwick, working with other local 'Bee Friendly' groups. 

Find out more about how you can get involved in 'Making Warwick Bee Friendly' and what small steps you can take to help bees and other pollinators


Want to learn more about 'wild' bees? You are in the right place! 

We have some great 'bite-sized' info to get you 'buzzing'!


We have lots of useful information on bees & choosing pollinator-friendly plants you may want to download.

We are asking the local community to support bees and other pollinators by making one simple action this year.

'Plant a pollinator-friendly plant in your garden, window box, workplace or school and help us to build a highway for pollinators across Warwick and the local area' 

or choose another action to get involved

Thank you to Warwick in Bloom who will be planting a pollinator friendly plant in all their baskets and tubs in 2024 to help get the campaign underway!