Swarming of honey bee hive and swarm prevention

When a feral colony begins overcrowding inside of a hollow tree or another natural  cavity, a portion of the bees swarm. However, swarming within a managed bee hive usually presents a sign of poor beekeeping practices.  For example, if your bee colony became unhealthy, for any one of many  potential reasons (chemical treatments,  usage of high fructose corn or sugar syrups and other supplemental, neglect of a clean water source and so on), generally the bees would not be able to handle even small temperature increases inside the hive. The problem is getting worse if your hive ventilation is poor.  In such situations, the colony will swarm not because it has to swarm, but rather because it cannot maintain itself in this strenuous environment.  Also, more importantly, there is NO real proof that any healthy and  well-managed hive has to swarm.          

I can completely prevent swarming because:

-  I choose proper location for my hives,

- all my hives have excellent ventilation, - all my hives have extra room and extra new frames to avoid overcrowding and to keep my bees always busy,

- my bees have easy access to an abundant source of water to help  keep the hives cool.

I know that I'm not alone in my thinking and my achievements!    "Overcrowding and congestion in the nest are factors which predispose colonies to swarm.  The presence of an old queen and a mild winter also contribute to the development of the  swarming impulse. Swarming can be controlled by a skilled beekeeper." Marion Ellis, Extensionn Apiculture Specialis 

"...Another point to ponder. If one of the primary causes for swarming, is, amongst other reasons,  too much heat, it stands to reason that with a ventilated hive there should be less swarming tendencies.  That is what we have found, in eight years we haven't had a hive swarm on us.  Beekeeper with 50 years of experience. (http://www.beeworks.com/d_e_details.html)

What you have to do if you will get swarm call

If swarm is still flying or you expect to get a swarm - use a Swarm Trap ($13.50) with Swarm Lure ($3.50) to catch a swarm. 

How To Use A Swarm Trap details are here (how_to_use_a_swarm_trap.pdf)

Also you can use any deep frame after extraction to attract a swarm.

 If there is no chance to dump a swarm directly into your empty hive - you can use any clean plastic pail/container with pre-drilled ventilation holes. 

Weigh your trophy too!

 Temporarily install an empty deep hive body above a first hive body with frames.

 Dump your swarm into the empty hive body.   You have to remove the second hive body, when bees will occupy all frames...