Ko H., Kim K., Bae M., Seo, M.-G., Nam G., Park S., Park S., Ihm J., Lee J.-Y. (2021) Changes in computer-analyzed facial expressions with age. Sensors, 21:14.
Lee, M., Ihm, J. (2021) Empathy and attitude toward communication skill learning as a predictor of patient-centered attitude: a cross-sectional study of dental students in Korea. BMC Medical Education, 21:225. (Corresponding Author)
Kim, S., Yang J., Lim, J., Lee, S., Ihm, J, Park, J. (2021) The impact of writing on academic performance for medical students. BMC Medical Education, 21:1-8. (Corresponding Author)
Ko, H., Park, S., Kwak, S, Ihm, J. (2020) Exploring a cost-efficient model for predicting cerebral Aβ burden using MRI and neuropsychological markers in the ADNI-2 cohort. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 10(197):1-11. (Corresponding Author)
Lee, J., Ihm, J. (2020). Gender difference in returns to education independent of gender wage gap in Korea. Asian Economic Journal , 34(2):213-232. (Corresponding Author)
Ihm, J, Shin Y., Seo, D. (2020). "Did clinical reasoning and knowledge questions during Team-Based Learning enhance dental students’ performance in Esthetic Dentistry?" Journal of Dental Education (SCIE), 84(4):495-501. (First Author)
Lim, J., Ko, H., Yang J., Kim, S., Lee, S., Chun, M., Ihm, J, Park, J. (2019). "Active learning through discussion: ICAP framework for education in health professions" BMC Medical Education (SSCI), 19:1-8. (Corresponding Author)
Ko, H., Ihm, J., Kim, H. (2019). "Cognitive profiling related to cerebral Amyloid Beta burden using machine learning approaches" Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (SCIE), 11:1-10. (Co-Author)
Lee, J., Ihm, J. (2018). "Financial risk exposure of returns to education: Panel evidence from Korea" Asian Economic Journal (SSCI), 32(1):83-97. (Corresponding Author)
Ihm, J. An, S., Seo, D. (2017) "Do dental students’ personality types and group dynamics affect their performance in problem-based learning?" Journal of Dental Education (SCIE), 81(6), 744-751. (First Author)
Lee, J., Ihm, J., Ryu, D. (2017). "Human capital measures and stock return predictability: Macroeconomic versus microeconomic approaches," Finance Research Letters (SSCI), 21, 53-56. (Corresponding Author)
Kim, M., Paik, I., Ihm, J. (2016) "Do time and cost students spend on private tutoring contribute to improving their achievement in English and Mathematics?," KEDI Journal of Educational Policy (SSCI), 13(2), 245-258. (Corresponding Author)
Ihm, J., Seo, D. (2016) "Does reflective learning with feedback improve dental students' self-perceived competence in clinical preparedness?," Journal of Dental Education (SCIE), 80(2), 173-182. (First Author)
Jang, Y., Ihm, J., Baik, S., Yoo, K., Jang, D., Roh B., Seo, D. (2015) "Dentin wear after simulated toothbrushing with water, a liquid dentifrice or a standard toothpaste," American Journal of Dentistry (SCI), 28(6), 309-376. (First Author)
Ihm, J., Lee, G., Kim, K., Jang, K., Jin, B. (2013) "Who Succeeds at Dental School? Factors Predicting Students’ Academic Performance in a Dental School in Republic of Korea," Journal of Dental Education (SCIE), 77(12), 1616-1623. (First Author)
2019. 6. "한국의 치의학교육 학제에 관한 연구," 대한구강보건학회, 43:2, 83-91, Co-Author.
2018. 12. "The relationship between non-cognitive student attributes and academic achievements in a flipped learning classroom of a pre-dental science course," 한국의학교육, 30:4, 339-346, Corresponding Author.
2017. 6. "Flipped-learning course design and evaluation through student self-assessment in a predental science class," 한국의학교육, 29:2, 93-100, First Author.
2017. 4. "자기회귀 교차지연모형을 이용한 기업문화와 기업교육성과의 관계구조," 고용직업능력개발연구, 20:1, 119-142, Corresponding Author.
2014. 12. "치의학전문대학원생의 MBTI 유형과 PBL 성취도와의 관계," 한국의학교육, 26:4, 291-297, Corresponding Author.
2014. 9. "비판적사고력 교육프로그램이 고등학생의 대입논술작성에 미치는 효과," 사고개발, 10:3, 21-41, Corresponding Author.
2014. 5. "고등교육투자가 여성의 비금전적 사적수익에 미치는 효과분석," 한국교육문제연구, 32:2, 1-34, Corresponding Author.
2012. 9. "서울대학교 치의학대학원 편입생의 성격유형과 학업성취도," 한국의학교육, 24:3, 241-246, First Author.
2012. 5. "학석사통합과정 도입에 따른 치의예과 교육과정 개선방안 탐색," 한국치의학교육, 5:1, 28-33, First Author.
2012. 3. "청년층 여성의 노동시장 진출에 따른 소득분위별 교육투자수익 실증분석," 한국여성학, 28:1, 183-212, Single Author.
2010. 12. "여성의 교육수준과 직종에 따른 임금차별에 대한 실증분석," 한국여성학, 26:4, 39-61, Single Author.
2010. 6. "자녀가 여성근로자의 임금에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석," 한국여성학, 26:2, 71-98, Single Author.
2010. 3. "소득분위별 여성의 고등교육투자에 대한 수익분석," 교육재정경제연구, 19:1, 29-56, First Author.
2009. 3. "여성고등교육이 성별 임금격차에 미치는 효과분석," 교육재정경제연구, 18:1, 1-26, Corresponding Author.
2008. 10. "도구변수를 이용한 여성고등교육의 투자수익률 분석," 교육행정학연구, 26:3, 75-94, Corresponding Author.
2008. 6. "여성고등교육이 청년층 여성의 기대수익변화에 미치는 영향분석," 교육재정경제연구, 17:1, 123-148, Corresponding Author.
2007. 12. "국가단위패널자료를 이용한 교육의 경제성장기여도 분석," 교육재정경제연구, 16:2, 53-72, Corresponding Author.