Membership Spotlight

What does It mean to belong? 

This Is one of the many deep questions we are asking at Becoming. 

It's one we will continue to discern, assess and re-assess. 

At Becoming, we want to know the real you. We want to know your full story. 

Churches are often the place you have to hide who you are. Or the space you have to perform or put on a mask.

We recognize this and Intentionally are creating a culture that Is different. 

That Is real. That Is authentic. 

That allows you to be yourself. 

A common phrase you will hear at Becoming : Be you. 

We want you to know God. Of course. 


We want you to know yourself. 

Your best self. Your favorite self.  

In an effort to know you, we will be doing a Membership Spotlight. 

Each month In our Newsletter, we will highlight someone. 

Each gathering, we will do the same. 

The purpose Is to celebrate and affirm our people. 

To share stories. 

To create community. 

To cultivate belonging. 

This month, we are celebrating the life and story of David Luecht. 

Please take the time to read his story and testimony.