Then an evangelical came into my life; his name was Joel Osteen. The minister began to change my life and put me on a path to become a better and more religious Jew. Yes, you read that correctly, the evangelical minister you see on TV strengthened my identity as an Orthodox Jew at the age of 24. How?

What does it mean to become a better you? First, you understand that God wants you to become all that He created you to be. Second, it is imperative that you realize that God will do His part, but you must do your part as well. To become a better you, you must:

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Becoming a better you is all about growing, learning, and improving. The more you learn to trust God, the better you will be. He will continually expand your horizons, and you can become a better you!

Undoubtedly, this book transformed my life. It helped me change the way I used to feel about myself. I have become more confident and the practical tips have also helped me in developing better relationships. The book also helped me to embrace every season of my life instead of settling down with self pity and depression. I really like the way Joel talks about grey matters in a simple, catchy and irresistible manner. The loads of real life examples really inspire and motivate us to keep pushing till we reach the state that we desire to be.

Though some of the principles are repeated from his previous book, its worth reading the many inspiring real accounts which will challenge you. I bet, you will surely become a better you after reading this book!

At the end of my post on Friday I said some provocative things about pastors and Christian intellectuals who sneer at Jordan Peterson and topical, advice-giving preaching. I asked those who sneer at topical preaching to become better cultural anthropologists, to understand why such preaching has mass appeal.

I think Newbigin was right. On Friday I was making Newbigin's point by describing the modern world as "a moral vacuum." And my point at the end of the post was to note that advice-giving has intrinsic appeal in a culture characterized by the fact/value split. My call for pastors to notice and understand this appeal was to ask them to become better missiologists. If you understand the culture of the modern world, as Newbigin described, you'll immediately understand why Jordan Peterson and topical preaching has a broad appeal. Their advice-giving is inserting values into the void. Any pastor with a good missionary mind should be able to see that dynamic.

If we took the time to become a better missionaries, we would immediately understand the appeal of Joel Osteen for our Homeboy tour guide, and for many who are struggling in the modern world. Our tour guide was carrying a burden of shame and facing very long odds on his road to rehabilitation. Facing this, he needed positivity and encouragement. He needed a cheerleader. And Osteen was cheering him on. And I'd argue this is exactly the same appeal Jordan Peterson has for many young men. Peterson is the father-figure they never had, telling them to make their bed and stand up straight. So instead of sneering at Osteen and Peterson, why don't we take some time to become better missionaries in grasping their cultural appeal.

attn @ originator of post

i know this is an old thread but i stumbled upon this today and i have this impression on my heart to share this with you

i went threw a very similar experience like most of you about getting (the) house however i still beileve that it will happen

for me i know that you said that you got a house not the house you wanted but i still beileve that there is a chance you will

get what you want just because it doesnt happen that does not mean that its going to never happen i beileve that

you go through hoops some times to get to where you want in life and sometimes you dont its unpredicable only the man above knows whats best for us so there-fore i encourage you to beileve have faith keep pursuing stay determined that doesnt mean that you will get your dream come true but maybe its not your dream it could be an impression on your heart to desire something and pray for it and beileve for it because it could actully be for your children or your childrens children therefore your prayers faith and patience will not be to waste i can gurantee you that if you stay active and hold fast to your faith your dreams will come true in one way or another but when god does something its better than you expected now to touch on the joel comments i beileve that it does not matter who the minister is or what their approach is the lord is our shepard and if it was not meant for us to see or hear something we would not be put in the perdicerment i encourage you all to say a prayer before tuning in to any person saying anything doesnt have to even be a televangelist pray and ask the lord to allow you to hear what your suppose to hear and understand the message that it could be a way for the lord to speak to you in give no man no woman power everything is from god

However, I am concerned (after reading several of his books and listening to many of his messages) that he is not telling the whole story.

I wrote a follow-up piece to express my specific concerns. You might want to check it out here: -quit-listening-joel-osteen-part-2/

Become a Better You will guide you in the process of uncovering your hidden resources. Addressing such topics as building your confidence, developing better relationships, finding peace within, and staying passionate about life, Joel Osteen will encourage you to reach your unique God-given potential. He will help you to enjoy every day of your life, despite your circumstances. As you incorporate Joel's easy-to-grasp principles into your life, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much more God has in store for you - and how quickly you become a better you! ff782bc1db

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