PhD Seminar


This is the homepage for the Mathematics PhD Seminar at Groningen University. We meet biweekly on Thursdays at 16:00, followed by drinks.  We will adopt a hybrid format, meaning that talks can be followed both on campus and online.  

 Add to your Google Calendar.

 We aim at non-research level. What is well-known for someone will be completely new for someone else!

Organisers: Federico Zadra and Jorge Becerra.


Upcoming talks

Past talks

       Bohuan Lin (RuG)

       Integrability and the Frobenius theorem. Handout.


       Irene De Blasi (Turin)

       Periodic and quasi-periodic motion in Central Mass Galaxies


       Reidmen Aróstica Barrera (RuG)

       Fluid and solid numerical simulations.

       Matteo Spadetto (Leeds)

       Regular (first-order) logic symbols and doctrines


       Stevan Gajović (RuG)

       The probability that a random p-adic polynomial has a p-adic root


       Yuqing Shi (UU)

       Mar Curcó (UU)

       Rational torsion subgroup of modular jacobians.


       Sara Sottile (University of Trento)

       Time-varying epidemic transmission in heterogeneous networks


       Jorge Becerra (RuG)

       Principal bundles from a topologist's point of view. Handout.


       Federico Zadra (RuG)

       A first picture of the Differential structure of Entanglement


       Bjarne Kosmeijer (UvA)

       Lie groupoids and their convolution algebras. Video recording.


       Bohuan Lin (RuG)

       Toric foliation and Maslov indices


       Matthijs Ebbens (RuG)

       Delaunay triangulations of hyperbolic surfaces


       Kevin van Helden (RuG)

       Classical string theory and 2-plectic geometry.


       Teun W. Verstraaten (RuG)

       An introduction to descriptive complexity


       Eric Pap (RuG)

       Exceptional points: permuting eigenvalues in adiabatic quantum theory.
