Interpretation of Sleeping Suit

Leila tells you that if you were asked to sleep in bed, this dream is a sign of your happiness in life. Seeing husbands in a dream is a sign of financial well-being, and, on the other hand, divorce in a dream means that you are being subverted.

Anlie Beton says that if she sees a girl who is responding positively to an old man's suggestion, the interpretation of this dream is a lot of problems in life.

If a woman wakes up in a dream that a dead person has come to sleep in her dream, the interpretation of this dream is that some of the woman's property disappears.

Ibrahim Kermani says that if a woman is dreaming that her husband will marry and marry another woman, she has never seen a new woman so far, and that is why she is a great woman.

Mohammed bin Syrin interprets the closeness of a dream observer to marry a girl whom you do not know or have seen before.

The Imam Sadiq conveys the concept of sacrifice to four things: greatness, wealth, peace and health, happiness in life.

The author believes that the seeker and the sleeping companion are a sign of your inner feelings towards yourself and others.

Shaykh Tusi regards dressing in bed and sleeping as a reason for good events in the near future.

If the girl sees that her boyfriend is talking to her family in a meeting with her family, the interpretation of this sleep is good and good things and monkeys are on their way.

If a man whose wife is pregnant sees a dream that she is asking for a non-husband, the interpretation of this dream is that she treats her family with little help.

Professor Tabatabai says that waking a widow and without a husband is gaining new opportunities. But if his widow sees such a dream, then good things will happen to her in the future.

If a girl finds herself dreaming of her boyfriend sleeping, the dream is that the relationship between the two will soon be very good.