The Adventure

As an environmental education magnet, our students learn how everything around us affects our environment. We strive to learn about ways to support our environment. On our school grounds, we currently have two teaching gardens (one with native grasses (Monarch Waystation) and the other with flowering plants that were selected by teachers), a vegetable garden in raised beds on the other side of our school, and outdoor pond. Our students have studied the importance of bees and understand that they are vital to our habitats.

After open discussion during a staff meeting, the teachers were developing ideas of ways to enhance our environmental magnet focus. Once bees were brought up, we knew that is what we wanted to do. After looking for ways to get started, we ran across an opportunity to apply for The Bee Cause Project grant. After receiving confirmation that we were selected for an indoor observation hive, the thought of interacting with the bees and supporting the environment grew. With the help from numerous partners and education from a professional beekeeper, we expanded. We now have 10 hives within the Earhart Apiary to go along with the observation hive we have inside our building.