Tools for Learning Challenge

Tools for Learning Challenge

Our 2023-24 Tools for Learning Challenge Campaign runs from August 23 - September 15 and we have a fundraising goal of $67,500 and a participation goal of 75% of families making a gift of any amount.

To meet our fundraising goal, we request a minimum donation of $300 per enrolled student. (This equates to a gift of $1.71 for each day your child is in school this year.) To meet our participation goal, we are simply asking that you participate at any amount meaningful to you! This is our one and only financial ask we make of families; as long as we meet our goal, there will be NO other fundraising asks of any kind (no silent auctions, kids selling items, etc.). Gifts are tax-deductible.

To encourage your participation, an anonymous donor has agreed to make a $10,000 gift once 75% participation is reached.  

2023-24 Goal: $67,500

Cash/Check - Donation cards are mailed in late August and may be returned with a donation by September 15. Kindly return cash or check donations in the TLC drop box located in the school office. Make checks payable to “Bear Creek PTO”

Debit/Credit - Visit our Bear Creek PTO Square Store

Questions - Contact PTO Board Member Marcia Segall at