data Collection.


Taking Data helps us make informed decisions about how our teaching is going...


Frequency provides a simple count of the behavior that occurs. Use frequency measurement when the behaviors:

  • Have a clear beginning and end

  • Occur at a rate that can accurately be counted

Frequency measures both desirable and undesirable behavior such as the number of times your client pees on the potty or throws toys.


Duration data measure how long a behavior lasts. When defining behaviors to be collected by duration recording, professionals must identify an onset and offset to ensure accurate measurement. Use duration recording when the behaviors:

  • Have ambiguous beginning and end

  • Last for an inconsistent period of time

Again, duration could measure both behaviors you want to increase as well as those you are looking to decrease. Amount of time spent engaging in imaginative play or in a tantrum are examples of times you might look to collect duration data.


Rate measurements reflect the frequency of behavior that occurs over a period of time. This type of data provides you with more information than frequency data alone. Use rate data when:

  • Session duration is inconsistent

  • You measure the behavior during some parts of the day but not others

Paper Based.

Printable & Editable data sheets can be found here:


A variety data collection apps exist, here's one I really like...

1.) Behavior Observation Made Easy

download it here...