Biomedical Data Science Laboratory


Division of Digital Healthcare,

Yonsei University - Mirae Campus

(연세대학교 디지털헬스케어학부 황의원 교수 연구실)

인공지능 및 머신러닝에 관심이 있는 학부연구생 및 대학원생을 모집하고 있습니다.
지원을 희망하는 분은 메일 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


2024.07: 🎉 Our paper, "Efficient Diffusion-Driven Corruption Editor for Test-Time Adaptation" got accepted to ECCV 2024, a top-tier computer vision conference!

2024.01: 🎉 Our paper, "Entropy is not Enough for Test-time Adaptation: From the Perspective of Disentangled Factors" got accepted to ICLR 2024, a top-tier AI conference, for spotlight presentation (Top 5% of submissions)!

2024.01: 🎉 Our paper titled "SF(DA)2: Source-free Domain Adaptation Through the Lens of Data Augmentation" got accepted to ICLR 2024, a top-tier AI conference!

2023.10: 🎉 Our paper is published in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine!

2023.09: 🚀 BDSL launched!