Flappy Bird Java Game

Using  Greenfoot Java Programming


How to Play 

Code Breakdown

Space Button- Make the Flappy Bird jump up in the air, in order to go through the pipes and avoid colliding with it. The code makes the bird accelerate in y-direction when space bar is pressed.



            vAcc = speed;


'S' Buttton- Shoots a fire that when it hits the enemy bird, the enemy bird disappears. The shootTimer allows the bird to only shoot one bullet at a time.

if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("s") && shootTimer.millisElapsed()>shotVal)


            getWorld().addObject(new bullet(), getX(), getY());



Losing when there are no lives left

The bird starts with 3 lives in the beginning and every time the bird hits the obstacles, it loses a life.

If there is no life left for the bird, the game is over and the score is recorded.

if (b.lives == 0)



                    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("scores.txt", true));

                    writer.write(b.name + "-" + b.timer.millisElapsed() + "\n");




                catch(IOException e)


                    System.out.println("Something went horribly wrong. Best of luck y'all:)");


                //Remove the bird from the screen


                Greenfoot.setWorld(new LoseWorld());


            //if the bird collides with the pipe, life go down by one and plays the sound




Skills I learned through Making the Video Game

Skill 1

Use of File IO to keep track of the player and score in the text file.

Skill 2

Coding an ending screen that has the ability to restart the game.

Skill 3

Understanding the object's motion, intersections, timers, counters, and detecting collisions and including as part of the game.

Skill 4

Commenting and indenting the code.

Level 1

If the player hits 15 sec, take to the next level

Set boolean complete to true since the actor made it to 10 sec in level1

        if (gameTimer.millisElapsed()>15000)





Level 2

If the player hits 25 sec, take the player to the boss level

 if (level2Timer.millisElapsed()>25000)





In level2, the game goes by faster and harder.

This is done by changing the speed that the background image move faster behind the game.

If the user is in level2 or boss level, change the background(speeds up)

if (MyWorld.complete==true || MyWorld.boss==true)



            setLocation(getX()+speed+1, getY());


Level 1 Sprite

Level 2 Sprite

Enemy Sprite

Collision Detection

Checks if the bird collides with enemy

Enemy eHit = (Enemy)getOneIntersectingObject(Enemy.class);

 If bird collides with the enemy, play sound and game over

        if (eHit != null)



            Greenfoot.setWorld(new LoseWorld());


Checks if the bird collides with pipes on top and bottom

PipeDown pd = (PipeDown)getOneIntersectingObject(PipeDown.class);

        PipeUp pu = (PipeUp)getOneIntersectingObject(PipeUp.class);


First, we intialize the Arraylist by;

ArrayList scores = new ArrayList();

Calculates the highest score on the text file and prints out the high score attained by the player.

Spilts the string into the player name(string) and the score(integer).