Burlington County School Nurse Association
Dear BCSNA Members and Prospective Members,
As I step into the role of acting president, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your involvement in and support of BCSNA throughout the past school year. School Nurses are truly the heart of our schools, and we have lived that out together this year. Please remember to take some time for well needed rest for yourself this summer.
As we continue to weather the covid 19 pandemic, we are just beginning to understand what some of the covid related impacts on our students are. Obesity, long-covid, and mental health issues being the concerns that have emerged at the forefront. We will continue to work together to share ideas and address our students' needs as the pandemic becomes endemic.
Guns have surpassed Motor Vehicle Accidents to become the top injury-related cause of death for US children. How will we address this crisis as school nurses? This is certainly something that we will be talking about on a national, state and local level over the next year.
Please join BCSNA for the ‘24-’25 school year to help keep abreast of the changes that are occurring in school nursing. Great things will be happening, so invite a colleague from your district who is not a member to join by forwarding this email to them. Please reach out to any of the new nurses in your district and bring them virtually along to our meetings. We are truly stronger together.
To become a member (or renew your membership), go to our website BCSNA of NJ and complete the membership application form. Membership is open yearly until October 31st. You can print your completed application form and mail it with your check made payable to BCSNA to: Gwenn Eskilson, 207 Harrogate Drive, Lumberton NJ 08048. I also encourage you to join the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) and the New Jersey State Association of School Nurses (NJSSNA), which you can join together for one fee. These organizations are a wealth of knowledge. To join go to www.nasn.org or www.njssna.org
General Membership Meetings
Meetings, when not virtual, are held at the Burlington County Special Services District School Media Center. 20 Pioneer Blvd, Westampton NJ 08060 . Entrance to this facility is through the front doors.
Attendance at general membership meetings will enable you to network with your peers, keep current on the changes in local and regional school nursing practice, and learn useful information to put to use in your practice, often with contact hours included. Please see the calendar for dates for the ‘24-’25 membership meetings.
We have a mentoring program for new school nurses. Please contact the executive board If you are interested in becoming a mentor or if you have a school nurse new to your district that is in need of a mentor.
Get Involved
We are always on the lookout for members that are interested in getting more involved! Although our Annual Retirement Dinner each May is our Big event each year, there are other programs and events to be planned, committees that need members, and positions on the board that come open every year. We need YOU. Please email me at vchapman@pemb.org and ask to attend an Executive Board Meeting to see where we can get you involved.
May we all lift up the memory of those lost to covid 19 and to gun violence. And may we have the fortitude and resolve to continue to make our students' lives a safe and healthy place again next year.
Yours in good health,
Valerie Chapman, MSN, RN, CSN-NJ
BCSNA President 2022-2024
Denbo-Crichton Elementary School
2 Learning Way
Browns Mills, NJ 08015
609-893-8141 x1173
609-782-3579 fax