BCS - archive

Routemaster is a growing company in BCS (Bus Company Simulator) that runs alongside OMSI 2.  We started in January 2022 and now have over 60 buses!  So come and join us - the only direction is up!  We offer:

* UK and European buses and maps

* -5 hrs UK offset (-6 hrs CET) so more driving in daylight with more tours if you prefer to drive in the evenings (real time)

* easy repaints that come with the bus or from FellowsFilm website or for some buses our own unique Routemaster themed repaints

* minimum driver requirement 1 tour per month

* dedicated website (where you are now!) 

* Discord server for communication between drivers

* Training YouTube videos (private)

* We have a sister trucking company in Trucks Book (ETS2) called "Routemaster" (of course)