Middle School music informational meeting

At the start of February, the middle school band and choir will be taking things on the road to visit all the 5th graders at their elementary schools! This is a great chance for them to see our programs LIVE! Each middle school will also host a parent meeting where parents can hear about our music classes as well as all the other courses offered in middle school. 

This website is a great resource if you are looking to learn more about the music programs at Coy and Ankeney Middle Schools. Please feel free to browse our site and send us an email if you have any questions or want to know more!

We look forward to seeing your child with us in choir or band in the fall!

Ankeney Band - & 

Ankeney Choir - 

Coy Band - &

Coy Choir - 

 "Educating the whole child through music"

         Very soon, your child will be receiving a lot of important information about a big step in their future – moving on to 6th grade and middle school! With this move comes some exciting choices regarding which classes they would like to take. Selecting their classes is a wonderful opportunity for them and we wanted to take a moment to share with you some information about two of the great options available to them!


Moving up to the middle school can be a scary transition for a young student – many of our students find that being in band or choir helps them to feel connected to their new school from day one. It gives them a class that they are excited about, a place where they feel at home, and a creative outlet during the school day.


         There are many aspects of music classes that offer unique learning opportunities, beyond the obvious musical skills.  Band and choir are like very large teams - in fact they are the largest teams in BeavercreekOver 1,400 students perform with our school bands and choirs every year.  We teach teamwork, group cooperation, and being a part of something bigger than ourselves, as well as many other skills that directly correlate to other subject matters and life outside of school.  This is why we say that we “Educate the whole child through music.” 


The time commitment outside of school for band or choir is minimal. The only “homework” students usually have in their music class is to practice playing their instrument or singing – and they enjoy that! This is a huge advantage as it allows our students to be academically successful, participate in their other activities such as sports, dance, or scouts, and still have a great musical experience!


Statistics continually prove that young people who participate in music are among the academically strongest students in their schools. They also have higher ACT and SAT score averages than their fellow classmates. Their adult lives are filled with successes that are a direct result of experiences in music: self-discipline, group cooperation, higher thinking skills and performance confidence. Being a member of these groups can provide this foundation for your child.


As your child heads onto middle school, they will have the chance to choose to add band or choir to their schedule. The time to choose to participate in these groups is NOW.  The only grade that we teach the beginning skills necessary to participate successfully in band and choir is in the 6th grade. No experience is required to sign up for these classes. We will teach your child literally everything they need to know to be successful in a music class!

  Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions that come up when parents and students consider choosing a music class for their first year of middle school. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


My child wants to take a music class, but they don’t know how to sing or play an instrument. Can they still join?

YES! No experience is required to join beginning band or choir in sixth grade. In fact, the vast majority of our students come into our classes having no experience beyond what they learned in elementary music. We will help your child through the process of understanding how to read music, choosing an instrument, learning good singing technique, etc.


Will my child have the opportunity to take other classes such as art and gym if they participate in band or choir?

YES! Your student will have 2 periods of electives in middle school. In sixth grade, the first slot is filled with pre-determined electives such as gym, art, etc. Band or choir can fill the second slot. This allows students to participate in music without missing out on other classes they may like!


My child is interested in a music class but also participates in other activities like scouts, sports, or other clubs. Will they have time to do band/choir too?

YES! Almost all our students are also involved in other activities outside of band and choir. Just like any other class, choir and band happen during the school day. The time commitment outside of school is very minimal so they still have plenty of time to participate in scouts, church groups, sports, etc.


We are unsure if this will be a good fit for them. Can they wait to join band or choir this year and join in 7th grade instead?

Remember when your children wouldn’t eat the food you made for them? You always said, “Try it before you decide you don’t like it.” Band and choir are the same way. If they are interested, we encourage them to sign-up! The only grade that we teach the beginning skills necessary to participate successfully in band and choir is in the 6th grade, so it is important to start now if they are interested. It is much easier to drop something after trying it, than to join late when everyone else has already started.


Do a lot of kids participate in band and choir?

YES! Historically, the music program in Beavercreek is the largest student organizations in our district! Most 6th graders choose to participate in band or choir in middle school.


If my child wants to do band, do I have to get an instrument now?

Nope! All you need to do right now is sign-up! In the fall, we will help the students try each instrument and pick the one that is a good fit for them. Then, we will help you get an instrument for them to play – some instruments can be obtained from the school while others will come from a music store. We will make sure every student has the instrument they need to be successful and love band class!

  Learn more!

The band and choirs at Coy and Ankeney will be taking things on the road at the start of February to visit all of the elementary schools. The 5th graders will have a chance to learn about the music classes available in middle school and they will receive a pamphlet (below) to take home and share with their family. Please feel free also to browse our websites to learn more about the music programs in Beavercreek!

5th Grade Brochure 2024.pdf

Click HERE for the Coy Band Website

Click HERE for the Coy Choir Website

Click HERE for the Ankeney Band Website

Click HERE for the Ankeney Choir Website