Call For Submissions


Songs of Our Sisters - Calling for five poems from women, for women, passing along wisdom and saying the things we wish we had learned earlier in life.  The emphasis is on life lessons from a community of women who have lived different lives.   We are intentionally leaving genre and style open so authors can surprise us.   Give us your best words, and win our hearts.  Submissions expected to close December 31, with a release in February 2024. Author paid in royalties per copy sold.

Horror Short Story Anthology - This currently unnamed project is in its infant stages, but is guaranteed to be a scary time.  Content should be 500-3000 words, original horror ideas that leave readers chilled and wanting more.  Cross-genre stories are welcome, we want to see what writers can do when we look beyond normal industry standards.  We understand it can take some time to work up a good short story, if you want to pitch the idea before writing, just contact us. Author paid in royalties per copy sold.

Lady Bits - This is a collection of essays written by women for women.  Lighthearted and created to entertain, this is a place for women to share their insights and relevant life hacks for getting through this world as a woman.  All lengths considered, but we prefer 2,500 to 5,000 word range.  Author paid in royalties per copy sold.

Novels / Novellas

Horror novels - Now seeking original horror novels, 60,000 to 90,000 words.  Original ideas, looking for character driven stories versus monster or gore effects.  Bonus points for modern takes on classic horror themes (film or literature).

Romance - Straight, queer, period, modern, sci-fi... we want to recreate a genre that was never given proper respect.  We are seeking novels of varying lengths that defy romance story expectations.  Heal our hearts or break them, show us what love is really all about.

Adventure - keep us turning pages with your expertly crafted story, with original themes and situations.  We seek different heroes, and thoughtful stories that are diverse in cast and character.  This is a great place to challenge hero/villain stereotypes and take us on a thrilling ride.


Must be attached in .doc or .docx format, clean and edited. No cloud links, please.

Poems, short stories, and flash fiction must be complete before sending.  Novellas, plays, novels and longer works must have a minimum of 25,000 words that are clean and properly edited.

All submissions must be 100% original.  No fan fiction is allowed, or borrowing elements from previously published works, including but not limited to characters, locations, timelines or plot elements.  No illegal  reference can be made to licensed or copyrighted works in any way, for any reason.  All authors agree to guarantee their work is ethical and upstanding in regards to plagiarism, trademark and copyright issues,  and meets legal and ethical standards for submitting work as original and belonging solely to those credited.

Subject line:


Submission, Songs of our Sisters, Elizabeth Maxwell

Mystery novel proposal, The Butler Did It, Barbara Jones, first three chapters

In the body:

Make sure to include word count, genre, current status and expected completion date.

Include why this work is a good read, and what your goals are for that project.

Include any questions or concerns you may have.

How we should contact you with a response, if not email.

Any relevant experience as a writer or with the subject matter.