Unit 1: Introduction to Statistics 

Week 1: (07 August to 13 August 2023)

Lecture 1. Introduction to Course, Meaning, Definition and Scope of Statistics in Business

Lecture 2. Data and its Collection.

Week 2: (14 August to 20 August 2023)

Lecture 1. Census and Sampling Method

Lecture 2. Simple Random Sampling and Stratified Random Sampling Methods

Week 3: (21 August to 27 August 2023)

Lecture 1. Classification and Tabulation

Lecture 2. Some Terminologies

Lecture 3. Frequency Distribution

Lecture 4. Illustrative Examples

Week 4: (28 August to 03 September 2023)

Lecture 1. Diagrammatic Representation of Data 

Lecture 2. Graphical Presentation of Data