About Us

Meet The Group

Jeriel Lao

Major: Electrical Engineering

Role: Head Researcher / Website Manager

Brief Intro:

Virtual Reality has been the link to Science Fiction in my eyes for many years. Growing up, aptitudes for problem solving and quick thinking led the pursuit of coming up with 'the next big thing', whether that be unraveling the mysteries of perpetual motion to investigating theories of P vs NP. I've mostly done freelance work and personal projects, but now that I have the opportunity to work on a team, I can try to fully expand upon something I could once only speculate upon. Testing the limits of what is conceptually viable against actual experimental tests is in my opinion one of the fastest ways to advance technology as we know it.

David Li

Major: Computer Engineering

Role: Project Manager

Brief Intro: Working with software has become a recent newfound passion of mine. In my previous work experience, I've found that software development is definitely something that should have more priority in the world. That being said, I am willing to explore more areas of this field to expand my skillset and experience. Perhaps along the way, I could make a difference in the field while doing so.

Anthony Donatelli

Major: Computer Engineering

Role: Data Organizer

Brief Intro:

I have always had a love for working with combining hardware and software into one easy to use system. In my previous work experiences I've always found that all the headache that comes with developing something new, is always worth it in the end when all the pieces come together. I've worked a fair amount within the defense industry, particularly in writing software to perform S-parameter tests on RF based projects. My favorite times are when I am able to sit down with a physical setup and really to get to learn the ins and outs of a system. I enjoy having tasks that can challenge my knowledge and love to throw myself into new realms of research to broaden my horizons.