Why Amalgamate?

Depending on the age of your player you may not know that BCH and Seaforth have been successfully exchanging players to complete teams due to declining enrolment for several years. This arrangement has been a benefit to both centres allowing for rounded out teams and more opportunities for players. In the age groups U11 and up it has become necessary to combine our players so that both centres can provide appropriate hockey for all levels.

WOAA (Western Ontario Athletic Assoc.) has always permitted this to occur however it would be to our advantage to make this exchanging of players more official and permanent through amalgamation. This sharing of players is not as easy as it sounds and requires a lot of behind the scenes work and approval by the WOAA.

Amalgamation means:

  • All players playing at a level that is appropriate for their capability

  • Rep and AE (Additional Entry) teams at all age divisions with appropriately placed players

  • Greater opportunities for improvement and expanding capabilities of players at the local level

  • Increased ability for organization to host specialized development clinics (eg. goalie clinics, power skating, skills and drills)

  • Larger pool of parent volunteers for tournament hosting, coaching clinics, & certification clinics

  • Most importantly - children enjoying playing hockey with peers, and children that they eventually will play on secondary school sport teams with, and learning and developing at an appropriate level