Geometry & TOPOLOGY

The pairing of geometry & topology is indispensable in modern mathematics & all its applications. The origins of geometry involve quantitative notions of space. For example, length, angle, area, volume, etc.. While the origins of topology involve qualitative notions of space; in particular, properties which allow for a less rigid description of how points can be organized in a space than mere number alone allows. For example, the qualities of nearness, connectedness, compactness, etc.. These foundational ideas are formalized and elevated into a robust (widely applicable, useful) and effective (algorithmically computable, ideally) framework for investigating the shape of spaces and the rich interrelationships between different structures on spaces. 

A concrete and illustrative example we suggest investigating as a case study is the idea of a topological manifold. --- The Earth is a topological manifold: locally it is flat, globally it is not, and an "atlas" organizes all the data of the local "coordinate patches" in a globally appropriate (can be made mathematically precise) manner! 

Examples of thematic researh questions in geometry & topology are: 

We recommend that you see some of the Explorations created by our lab members and shared on their member profiles! We can also suggest reading the following surveys:

[J. Milnor, Topology Through The Centuries: Low Dimensional Manifolds] 

[W. Thurston, How To See 3-Manifolds]

[F. Bonahon, The Hyperbolic Revolution: From Topology To Geometry And Back] 

Our board: In the realm of gauge theory one desires to minimize the Hermitian Yang-Mills flow along a complex gauge orbit of fixed stable G-Higgs bundle on a compact Riemann surface. A theorem of Karen Uhlenbeck guarantees nice enough regularity of such a process for the existence of the limiting object to be a critical point of the flow. More work to argue the same results holds for polystable bundles leads to the Hitchin-Simpson theorem which guarantees the existence of a so-called Hermitian-Einstein metric (on the limiting stable Higgs bundle that lives in the same isomorphism class of the original bundle) which satisfies Hitchin's equations. This theorem is dual to the Corlette-Donaldson-Labourie theorem which guarantees the existence of a harmonic metric on flat G-bundles associated to a reductive representation of the fundamental group of the compact Riemann surface. Kevin Corlette and Karen Uhlenbeck are mathematical giants and also are members of historically underrepresented groups of people in mathematics. Each of them are mathematical champions of ours. We are reviewing the details of the [Nonabelian Hodge Correspondnece]. For more you can also see the [Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence].