Juniors Competition Rules

Juniors' International Team Games

Juniors' International Team Games

Details here

Juniors' 140 Sleepover

Juniors' 5 a side football

Juniors' 5 a side football

The Junior Section 5 a side football competition will be held on Saturday 25th November at Newport Pagnell Baptist Church, Lovat Hall, Silver Street, Newport Pagnell MK16 0EJ from 1300 to 1700.

Please notify Andy Hall of your attendance by Friday 24th November.

Please arrive by 1245 so we can make a prompt start.

5 a side Rules

Squads should consist of no more than 8 players. If more than one team is entered, players cannot be moved between teams. Substitutions are not permitted during a game except in case of serious injury.

Start of Play
Drop ball in the centre circle between opposing players. Teams must be in their own halves.

Ball out of Play
Vertical: An indirect free kick is conceded if the ball is played above head height. Exceptions are when the ball is deflected off either a player or the goal posts. Head height will be determined by the height of the shortest player in each game.
Horizontal: An underarm roll in is conceded.

Foul Play
A direct free kick is conceded at the point of infringement for:
    Intentional body contact - charging, pushing, kicking, and tripping.
    Slide Tackling.
    Hand Ball.
An indirect free kick is conceded for:
    Time wasting.

Goal Areas
Only the Goal Keeper is allowed in the goal area.
Infringement by the defending team - Penalty awarded if entry is deliberate or the ball is played.
Infringement by the attacking team - Goal Keepers ball.
A goal scored from outside the area which results in the attacker's momentum carrying him into the area is allowed if entry into the goal area is not deliberate and the Goal Keeper is not impeded.
The Goal Keeper must roll the ball out under arm and below knee height. Infringement will result in a re-roll, or indirect free kick if repeated.
The back pass rule will not be actioned however, the Goal Keeper must not directly receive the ball from the same defender as he has released it to.
The Goal Keeper is allowed to leave the goal area but must not use his hands outside the area otherwise a direct free kick will be conceded.

Drop Balls
The referee may use a drop ball to restart the game if no side is responsible for the stoppage.

Penalties & Free Kicks
When taking a penalty or free kick, a player may only take 2 steps before striking the ball.

The duration of each match will be set once the number of team entries is confirmed and will be announced shortly before the first match.

Games will be played indoors.
Shin pads must be worn by all players whilst on the pitch.
Players must wear moulded boots or trainers. Metal and plastic studded boots are not permitted.
Teams that arrive more than 15 minutes late will concede any matches that should have been played before their arrival.
Teams must be on the pitch ready to start a match within 30 seconds of the previous match finishing, or the match may be conceded.

Juniors' Unihoc

Juniors' Unihoc

The Junior Section Unihoc competition will be held on Saturday 25th November at Newport Pagnell Baptist Church, Lovat Hall, Silver Street, Newport Pagnell MK16 0EJ from 1500 to 1700 (This is straight after the 5 a side football competition).

Please notify Alistair Marriott of your attendance by Friday 24th November. It is helpful to tell us even if you plan not to attend.

Unihoc Rules

The Court

The Players

The Game

Playing the Puck


Moving the Goal

Free Strokes & Penalties


Juniors' Figure Marching

Juniors' Figure Marching

The Junior Section Figure Marching competition will be held at Kempston West Methodist Church, Kempston, on Saturday 2nd December starting at 2 pm.  It will be followed by the Dodge Ball competition.

This year's routine and the rules can be downloaded as a PDF here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_dQLZL7TFcz2nJfPzfmeDfMOLHG8dYDM/view?usp=sharing .

Teams should consist of between 4 and 8 young people. Companies may enter more than one team if they wish.

Companies wishing to take part in either competition must contact Alistair Marriott no later than 8 pm on Friday 1st December.

Juniors' Dodgeball

Juniors' Dodgeball

Two Court Dodge Ball

The Dodge Ball competition will be held at Kempston West Methodist Church, Kempston on Saturday 3rd December, immediately following the Figure Marching.  The expected start time is 2:45pm, and the competition will finish by 5 pm.  Teams wishing to take part must advise Alistair Marriott by 8pm on Friday 1st December.  Companies may enter more than one team. 


The playing area, about the size of a badminton court, is divided into four sections as shown below.  The different areas will be marked off with cones. 







Playing the game


Juniors' Bowling

Juniors' Bowling

Anchors & Juniors 10 pin bowling competition will be held at Go Bowling Dunstable, Court Drive, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4JD on Saturday 2nd March 2024 from 930 to 1130.

Please notify entries to Angela Hathaway as soon as possible, and no later than Saturday 24th February. 

Please Arrive at 9.30 to sort out your members shoes. The Bowling starts at 10am to 11am. Cost is £5.50/child. Presentations will be at 11am to finish around 1130. Please Confirm numbers to me (Angela Hathaway) by Saturday 24th Feb at very latest. Email, WhatsApp or text, (not on Facebook, not messenger)

Juniors' Brigades' Big Quiz

Juniors' Brigades' Big Quiz

Friday 15th March 2024 – 7pm (for 7:15 start) – 8:30pm at Kempston East Methodist Church (New School Hall)

Teams of 3 (you can enter as many teams as you like)

Please confirm the number of teams you are entering by Thursday 14th March to philiptimmskempston@yahoo.co.uk or via facebook messenger, what’s app, Text 07732771690.


There will be 2 points available per question – 2 points for a perfect answer,

1 point can be awarded if its close (for example just a surname rather than a full name etc) There are also some opportunities to pick up bonus points.

Question rounds will be read, picture rounds will be given out and collected back in.


8 Question rounds (6 questions per round)


1. General Knowledge 

2. Science & Nature

3. Boys Brigade 

4. Harry Potter 

5. Animals 

6. Geography

7.Bible Round (using the attached passage) 

8. Sports & Games

Picture Rounds (10 questions per round) 

A. Dingbats (Given out at the beginning, collected after round 4)

B. Balls & sporting things (Given out after round 4, collected after round 8)

If you have the BIG QUIZ trophy, please remember to return it so we can present it to this year’s winner

The Parable of the Good Samaritan (from the Good News Bible) Luke 10 v25-37

25 A teacher of the Law came up and tried to trap Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to receive eternal life?”

26 Jesus answered him, “What do the Scriptures say? How do you interpret them?”

27 The man answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind’; and ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’”

 28 “You are right,” Jesus replied; “do this and you will live.”

29 But the teacher of the Law wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbour?”

30 Jesus answered, “There was once a man who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when robbers attacked him, stripped him, and beat him up, leaving him half dead. 

31 It so happened that a priest was going down that road; but when he saw the man, he walked on by on the other side. 

32 In the same way a Levite also came there, went over and looked at the man, and then walked on by on the other side. 

33 But a Samaritan who was traveling that way came upon the man, and when he saw him, his heart was filled with pity. 

34 He went over to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them; then he put the man on his own animal and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 

35 The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Take care of him,’ he told the innkeeper, ‘and when I come back this way, I will pay you whatever else you spend on him.’”

36 And Jesus concluded, “In your opinion, which one of these three acted like a neighbour toward the man attacked by the robbers?”

37 The teacher of the Law answered, “The one who was kind to him.” Jesus replied, “You go, then, and do the same.”

 PDF of these instructions can be found here

Juniors' Water Games

Juniors' Water Games

The Juniors Water Games will be held at Letchworth Free Church URC, Norton Way S, Letchworth Garden City SG6 1NX, on Saturday 8th June 2024 from 2.00 to 4.00 pm.

The competition consists of a number of games, most of which involve water, each lasting around 5 minutes and worth a maximum of 10 points. Teams can be either 3 or 4 boys/girls, and companies can enter more than one team. 

Please confirm attendance to Sally Woodhouse including the number of teams by Friday 7th June.

Boys/Girls should bring a towel and may want a change of clothing!

Juniors' Art

Juniors' Art


Medium: Paint, felt tipped pens, crayons or pencils on A4 white paper


Age 5-6 School year 1

Age 6-7 School year 2

Age 7-8 School year 3


Age 8-9 School year 4

Age 9-10 School year 5

Age 10-11 School year 6

General Rules:

A Company may submit up to two entries per age group (up to 6 per section). Younger children's work may be submitted in an older age group.

All entries should be submitted to the organiser by 31st May. The following information MUST be included on the back of each entry:
      Entrant's Name (Christian name and Surname)
      Entrant's age on 31 May 2023
      Company name
      Age group entered, by school year (see above)
    Entries received without this information will not be included in the competition.

Where possible all judges will be independent of the battalion. All judging is to be completed by the final event of the session and results announced on this occasion.

One each of first, second and third place will be awarded in each age group. In addition an unlimited number of "Highly Commended" will also be awarded in each age group.

Points will be awarded in each age group as follows:
  1st place: 5
  2nd place: 4
  3rd place 3
  Highly Commended: 2

Each company's points will be added together to work out the final placings in each section. Battalion points will then be awarded in line with the usual scoring system.

If you need any more information, including where to post your entries to, contact the competition organiser Ruth Jones

Juniors' Summer Event

Juniors' Summer Event

Life to the Max (This is being organised by London District) and is being held at Phasels Wood Activity Centre, Hemel Hempstead. More details are available direct from their website: https://thebbinlondon.org.uk/whats-on/life-2-the-max/

Please let Rob Ciantar know which sections you are booking in for Competition Points.