BBS Family Resource Site

Welcome to Boulder Ballet School's Family Resource Site! We're so glad you are with us for our 2023/24 Season of dance. Please find important school resources below. Performance information will be updated throughout the year to streamline communication.

I am thrilled to start a new season at BBS! I hope this resource site offers you more clarity about what you can expect moving forward at BBS. Please make sure to read through our new Family Guidebook, our most updated Dress Code, and click on our new Calendar for you to easily view days off, performances, and special events. As always, let me know if you have any questions and how I can best support you and your dancer. Thank you for being a part of our BBS Community!

Andrea Basile, BBS School Director

Hair, Makeup & Pointe Shoes

Keeping Our Community Safe

Sharing The Good/Suggestions

Safe & Respectful Conduct


Thank you so much to everyone that participated in our School Fundraiser this year. We are busy working on our end to take next steps towards putting your hard work into action! More updates coming soon!