BBE Website Closure Notice

A Letter from the Founder & Creator of the BBE Resources Website
to all stakeholders of B.A. (Hons.) Business Economics

Dear BBE fraternity,

Firstly, I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to every student, alumni, and all professors/faculty members associated with the course B.A. (Hons.) Business Economics across all colleges/faculties of the University of Delhi for their immense support and contribution towards this BBE Resources Website. What began as a small initiative back in June 2019 to build a platform for the BBE course eventually took the shape of a full-fledged website to cater to all stakeholders of BBE, and here we are in June 2024! - What a glorious 5 year journey it has been for me and my entire team!

I am delighted to share that in these last 5 years (2019 - 2024), the website has received a total of 2,00,000+ pageviews and 1,10,000+ sessions from over 27,000+ visitors (with 10,000+ returning visitors) - quite an encouraging number for us! 

I also feel extremely proud and humbled every time I hear stories of countless students benefiting from the website or being able to pass a specific subject in the University Examination with the help of past year question papers listed by us, or being able to score well because a certain author's book that they couldn't afford was made available by us. I am also deeply grateful for all the encouragement, kind words, and feedback that we have received to date - it has only helped us improve the functionality of the website and motivated us to keep going in our journey of helping all BBE students.

In this journey, many students, alumni, and teachers also came forward individually to help us with our initiative. Over the last 3 years, we also formed exclusive WhatsApp groups for CBCS-LOCF and NEP-UGCF curriculums with 1-2 student(s) (Student Representatives / Volunteers) from each year and every BBE college in the University; additionally we also formed a Telegram community exclusively for the NEP-UGCF curriculum. These efforts were made in order to have a wider reach across BBE students and for us to collect all the necessary resources for the Website - we are very grateful to you all for your valuable contribution so far!

However, it pains me to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances, the Website operations will be brought to a halt permanently on 20th June 2024, end of the day. For all visitors of this website, this decision would mean that after the completion of the Semester Examination (May/Jun 2024), there shall be no edits made to any page of the websiteBut kindly note that the website will NOT be taken down and will continue to be accessible as a free resource on the same URL link ( and via Google search as well - for uninterrupted access to all past years' resources. 

Lastly, I would be failing in my duty if I did not thank the following people, without whom this website would not have even existed in the first place:

Once again, thank you very much for your immense support! 

If you have ever benefited from the website or would like to leave us any feedback/comment or review, please fill out our Feedback Form. 
If you would like to get in touch with us, please fill out your details on our Contact Form or email us at
We would love to hear from you!

With best regards,

Dhruv Gupta
Founder & Creator, BBE Resources Website
BBE Alumnus (Batch of 2016-19)
Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce