For the last 24 hours I've been unable to download any programmes from the BBC. I can 'live stream' programmes, which indicates that my VPN is working normally but any programme that I try to download comes back with a message saying 'DRM License failed'

I can view bbc tv on iplayer out of uk on my pc but i cannot use my Samsung tablet. Any way around this problem?

I know bbc require using android greater than 4.1 which I do but still am not able to connect. Tablet was working on

november but not now. Will I have togive upon my tablet or just use my pc?

Bbc Iplayer Download Drm Licence Failed

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i bought your vpn service a couple months ago, it used to connect to bbc iplayer fine but no longer does. has bbc blocked your ip addresses? if so, this is a major disappointment. one of the primary reasons i bought it was for this purpose, as you advertised that you have a reliable service for this purpose.

there is no web ui for this image, you simply define the shows you want via the env var value for key "SHOWS" with a comma to seperate the list and get-iplayer then monitors and downloads any matching shows.

you dont need to putty in, all you need to do is edit the container and define the shows you want to download by setting the value for env var "SHOWS" (comma separated) get_iplayer is run for you inside the container and will search and download any shows that match the values.

Another strange thing, ...well, something I have not been aware of is that each time "get_iplayert" commences a download session, it creates a file in Windows>Users>Me, called "cmd.exe" containing zero bytes which MBAM jumps on at the next daily scan and quarantine's it as a Trojan!

We have established that each time get_iplayer runs, not when the command window appears, but as soon as a download begins, it creates two files in my "Users" folder, "cmd.exe" and ffmpeg, both zero content!

Thanks for the info, I do indeed use MBAM. Disabling it whilst using get_iplayer fixed it for me too. I guess I have to wait for the update for both to work together, as the update does not yet work for me. Thanks for the solution though !

Hi @six-H Thanks for your reply mate and I'm delighted to say it's now working! I installed the new version of FFmpeg, but it made no difference. Then I deleted the cmd.exe and ffmpeg files in Users, but I also had another empty file called get_iplayer which I also deleted. It's working fine now. Thanks very much for your help.

But if you fail to pay the fine for not having a TV licence, the court can take further action. They can send bailiffs or sheriff officers to your home. And they can take money from your wages or benefits if you refuse to pay what you owe.

I am an android developer. I started to learn unity and I am very beginner. I decided to develop an AR app with Vuforia but after adding a Vuforia SDK to the unity, I faced with the error and I am not able to add a Vuforia's license to the unity. It ruined my life and took me about three days but it still is not working.I have this Script Error: "This associated Script can not be loaded. Please fix error and blah blah blah". I Run the Script in the MonoDevelop and tried to fix all of the errors. but after solving each error I faced with a new one and finally it wants me to add the license. I read more than 10 tutorials and none of them has mentioned such un error and the scripts work for them properly and thay are capable of adding the licence in the unity environment. Any SOLUTION?

The BBC Trust also stated that a proposed BBC One +1 channel has failed the public value test and should be rejected. Ofcom has judged that the launch of a +1 channel would have the greatest adverse market impact of any of the proposals, capturing viewing share for the BBC at the expense of commercial channels and reducing the profitability, in particular, of ITV and Channel 5.

In the British Islands, any household watching or recording television transmissions at the same time they are being broadcast is required by law to hold a television licence. This applies regardless of transmission method, including terrestrial, satellite, cable, or for BBC iPlayer internet streaming. The television licence is the instrument used to raise revenue to fund the BBC.

Businesses, hospitals, schools and a range of other organisations are also required by law to hold television licences to watch and record live TV broadcasts.[1] The licence, originally a radio licence, was introduced in November 1923 using powers under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1904, and cost 10 shillings per annum. The licence was extended to televisions at a cost of 2 in June 1946. The radio part was abolished in February 1971.[2] A television licence is also required to receive video on demand programme services provided by the BBC via its iPlayer service.

The TV licence fee is collected by the BBC and primarily used to fund the radio, television and online services of the BBC itself. Licence fee collection is the responsibility of the BBC's Finance and Business division.[4]

The BBC is authorised by the Communications Act 2003 to collect and enforce the TV licence fee. Section 363 of the act makes it against the law to install or use a television receiver to watch or record any television programmes as they are being broadcast without a TV licence. Section 365 of the same act requires the payment of the TV licence fee to the BBC.[5]

The licence fee is formally set by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport by the use of statutory instruments. The relevant statutory instruments are the Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004[6] and amendments since that time such as the Communications (Television Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2010.[7] As well as prescribing the fees, the regulations also define "television receiver" for the purposes of the law.

As the public body responsible for issuing TV licences, licensing information held by the BBC and on the BBC's behalf by TV licensing contractors is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The BBC withholds some information on licence enforcement using exemptions under the Act; in particular, under section 31, which permits the withholding of information on crime prevention grounds and under section 43(2), which allows the BBC to retain information judged commercially sensitive.[12]

In January 2006, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) changed the classification of the licence fee from a service charge to a tax.[13] Explaining the change, the ONS said: "in line with the definition of a tax, the licence fee is a compulsory payment which is not paid solely for access toBBC services. A licence is required to receive ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, satellite, or cable". A briefing paper from the House of Commons Library described the licence fee as a hypothecated tax (i.e. one raised for a particular defined purpose).[14]

The BBC pursues its licence fee collection and enforcement under the trading name TV Licensing, but contracts much of the task to commercial organisations.[16] TV Licensing is a trademark of the BBC used under licence by companies contracted by the BBC that administer the television licensing system.[16] Concerning the relationship of the BBC brand with the TV Licensing brand, the BBC's position is stated as: "The TV Licensing brand is separate from the BBC brand. No link between the two brands should be made in customer facing communications, in particular, use of the BBC name and logo".[17] However, it also states that the rules for internal communications and communications with suppliers are different: "the name BBC TV Licensing may also be used within department names or job titles for BBC employees".[17]

The services carried out by Capita on behalf of the BBC include dealing with TV licence queries, processing TV licence applications and payments and themaintenance of the licence database.[20] Enforcement tasks include visiting addresses, identifying people watching TV without a licence, taking statements, and achieving prosecutions of TV licence evaders.[21][22][23] TV Licensing debt collection is carried out by Akinika,[24] which is a debt collection agency owned by Capita.[25]

A TV licence, once issued, is normally valid for a maximum of 12 months. The period of its validity depends on the exact day of the month it is purchased; this is because TV licences always expire at the end of a calendar month. If a licence were to be obtained in September 2014, for example, it would expire on 31 August 2015. Thus the period of validity would vary between 11 and 12 months depending how early in the month it was bought.[30] If an existing licence is renewed on time, the new licence will last the full 12 months.

The BBC sometimes issues 'short dated' licences in situations when a licence is renewed after the expiry date of the previous licence. The BBC does this as it assumes that TV was being watched in the interim period between expiry and renewal. Short dated licences are set to expire 12 months after the previous expiry date.[31]

If a UK resident aged 74 years wishes to purchase a TV licence, they can apply for a short-term TV licence to cover the time until they reach 75 when they become eligible for a free licence in the UK. Short-term licences for 74-year-olds are also available on the Isle of Man and Guernsey.

If a TV licence is no longer needed for an address it is possible to cancel a licence and apply for a partial refund.[32] The amount refunded will depend on the time left to the expiry date. Normally only full quarters (that is three consecutive calendar months) of unexpired licence period are refunded.[33]

The level of the fee is decided following periodic negotiations between the UK Government and the BBC.[34] Before 1988, increases in the licence fee happened at irregular intervals, sometimes a few years passing between changes. From 1988 to 2010, the licence fee was increased annually each April.[35]Between April 2010 and April 2017 the licence fee remained constant at 145.50 per year.[36] As of 1 April 2021, it costs 159 for a colour licence and 53.50 for a black and white TV licence. ff782bc1db

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